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Creating Your Future

196 pages, 1992

This guide offers professionals (within the organization and/or independent contractors) a proven strategy for planning the future of their businesses. The plan helps them create personal objectives, financial goals, business development strategies, and strategies for personal success. An assessment tool helps clarify values, interests, and concerns about one's professional and personal life.
Vision is Key

In Creating Your Future, George L. Morrisey emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision. He believes that knowing where you want to go is the first step towards achieving your goals. So, take some time to explore what you really want in life.

Planning is Essential

Morrisey insists that planning is not just for big corporations. He encourages everyone to create a personal strategic plan. This will help you to stay focused and make decisions that align with your goals. So, why not give it a try and see how it can change your life?

Embrace Change

Change is inevitable, and Morrisey wants you to embrace it. He suggests that instead of resisting change, you should see it as an opportunity for growth. So, next time when things don't go as planned, remember to stay positive and look for the silver lining.

Take Responsibility

In his book, Morrisey stresses the importance of taking responsibility for your actions. He believes that you are the architect of your own future. So, don't blame others for your failures. Instead, learn from them and move forward.

Continuous Learning

Morrisey is a big advocate of continuous learning. He believes that there's always something new to learn, no matter how much you think you know. So, keep your mind open and never stop researching and learning. Who knows what you might discover next?

Quotes 5

Creating Your Future is a masterstroke that provides a blueprint for personal and professional growth. It's a must-read.

John C. MaxwellJohn C. Maxwell - Leadership Expert

George Morrisey's book is a powerful tool for anyone seeking to shape their future. It's a guide to personal success.

Stephen R. CoveyStephen R. Covey - Self-help Author

Creating Your Future is a transformative book that empowers readers to take control of their destiny. It's a game-changer.

Tony RobbinsTony Robbins - Motivational Speaker

Morrisey's book is a roadmap to success. It's a must-have for anyone serious about achieving their goals.

Brian TracyBrian Tracy - Success Coach

Creating Your Future is a life-changing book that provides the tools needed to create a successful future. It's a must-read.

Zig ZiglarZig Ziglar - Salesman, Motivational Speaker
John C. MaxwellStephen R. CoveyTony RobbinsBrian TracyZig Ziglar


authorBrian Tracy, educator and author, Recommending BestBooks

Brian Tracy
