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Consultative Selling

258 pages, 2011

business & management

business & management

1082 books


909 books

Consultative Selling, Seventh Edition, enables sales professionals to achieve unprecedented success by helping their clients make more profitable business decisions. The book gives readers the tools to continue delivering superior results to 21st-century organizations and take their own careers to a new level. 

It covers strategic sales techniques, provides a step-by-step implementation guide, and includes case studies of companies, including IBM, Hewlett-Packard, American Airlines, and Motorola. By selling improved customer profits instead of products or services, readers will be driving forces in making their clients more competitive.

Understanding the Concept of Consultative Selling

Mack Hanan introduces the concept of consultative selling, which is all about understanding the customer's needs and providing solutions that add value. It's not just about selling a product or service, but about helping the customer achieve their goals.

The Importance of Building Relationships

In Consultative Selling, Hanan emphasizes the importance of building strong relationships with customers. He believes that trust and understanding are the foundations of a successful sales strategy. So, take the time to get to know your customers and their needs.

Focus on Customer Profitability

One of the key takeaways from Consultative Selling is the focus on customer profitability. Hanan suggests that by helping customers increase their profitability, you can also increase your own. It's a win-win situation that benefits both parties.

The Role of the Salesperson as a Consultant

In the book, the author redefines the role of the salesperson. He sees them not just as a seller, but as a consultant who provides valuable advice and solutions. This shift in perspective can help you see your role in a new light and improve your sales approach.

The Power of Problem-Solving

Hanan encourages salespeople to become problem solvers. By identifying and addressing the customer's problems, you can provide real value and establish a long-term relationship. So, don't just sell, solve problems and see the difference it makes.

Quotes 5

Mack Hanan's Consultative Selling is a timeless guide to value-driven sales. It's a must-read for anyone in business.

Tom PetersTom Peters - Management Guru

Consultative Selling by Mack Hanan is a game-changer. It's a book that every salesperson should read.

Brian TracyBrian Tracy - Motivational Speaker

Mack Hanan's Consultative Selling is a powerful tool for anyone in sales. It's a book that can truly change your career.

Zig ZiglarZig Ziglar - Sales Trainer

Consultative Selling by Mack Hanan is a masterpiece. It's a book that every salesperson needs to read.

Jeffrey GitomerJeffrey Gitomer - Sales Consultant

Mack Hanan's Consultative Selling is a classic. It's a book that every entrepreneur should read.

Jim RohnJim Rohn - Entrepreneur Coach
Tom PetersBrian TracyZig ZiglarJeffrey GitomerJim Rohn


authorBrian Tracy

Brian Tracy


Consultative Selling found in libraries

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