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Company of One

272 pages, 2020


In Company of One, the authors explain how to remain small and avoid growth, not as a freelancer who’s only paid based on their output, or an entrepreneur who wants to scale ASAP, but as a small business that deliberately chooses to stay that way. 

By staying small, one can have the freedom to pursue more meaningful pleasures in life and avoid the headaches that result from dealing with employees, long meetings, or worries about expansion.

Embrace the Power of One

Paul Jarvis emphasizes the power of being a one-person business. He shows that you don't need a big team to be successful. You can achieve great things on your own, with less stress and more freedom. So, if you're thinking of starting a business, don't be afraid to go it alone.

Quality Over Quantity

In Company of One, Jarvis argues that bigger isn't always better. He suggests focusing on quality rather than quantity. Instead of trying to grow your customer base, focus on providing excellent service to your existing customers. This will lead to more referrals and a stronger reputation.

Stay Lean and Flexible

Jarvis encourages readers to keep their businesses lean and flexible. This means avoiding unnecessary expenses and staying adaptable. By doing this, you can respond quickly to changes in the market and keep your business thriving.

The Importance of Self-Reliance

One of the key messages in Company of One is the importance of self-reliance. Jarvis shows that by relying on your own skills and abilities, you can create a successful business. This doesn't mean you can't ask for help, but it does mean you should be able to stand on your own two feet.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Finally, Jarvis advises readers to work smarter, not harder. He suggests finding ways to automate and streamline your business processes. This will free up your time to focus on what you do best. So, take a look at your business and see where you can make improvements.

Quotes 5

Company of One is a refreshing, revolutionary approach to business. It's about building not just a business, but a life that brings joy, fulfillment and sustainability.

Arianna HuffingtonArianna Huffington - Huffington Post Co-founder

Paul Jarvis delivers a strong case for nurturing growth in a different direction—within. Company of One is a must-read for any entrepreneur.

Seth GodinSeth Godin - Marketing Guru, Author

Company of One offers a compelling strategy for building a business that aligns with your personal values. It's a game-changer.

Elon MuskElon Musk - Tesla, SpaceX CEO

Company of One is a fascinating, thought-provoking book. It challenges the conventional wisdom of growth and offers a path to a more sustainable and fulfilling career.

Tim FerrissTim Ferriss - Entrepreneur, Author

Company of One is a manifesto for entrepreneurs who seek to lead a richer, more fulfilling life. It's a powerful tool for change.

Sheryl SandbergSheryl Sandberg - Facebook COO
Arianna HuffingtonSeth GodinElon MuskTim FerrissSheryl Sandberg


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