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Catastrophic Care

400 pages, 2013


In 2007 David Goldhill's father died from a series of infections acquired in a well-regarded New York hospital. The bill was for several hundred thousand dollars--and Medicare paid it.  

These circumstances left Goldhill angry and determined to understand how it was possible that world-class technology and well-trained personnel could result in such simple, inexcusable carelessness--and how a business that failed so miserably could be rewarded with full payment. Catastrophic Care is the eye-opening result of Goldhill's research.

The High Cost of Healthcare

In Catastrophic Care, David Goldhill explores the high cost of healthcare in the United States. He argues that the current system is not sustainable and that it's leading to poor health outcomes. It's a wake-up call for anyone who thinks that healthcare is just about insurance and hospitals.

The Role of Insurance

Goldhill takes a hard look at the role of insurance in healthcare. He suggests that insurance companies have too much power and that they're driving up costs. This is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand why their health insurance premiums are so high.

The Need for Transparency

One of the key points in Catastrophic Care is the need for transparency in healthcare. Goldhill argues that patients should know exactly what they're paying for and how much it costs. This could lead to more competition and lower prices.

The Importance of Consumer Power

Goldhill believes that consumers should have more power in the healthcare system. He suggests that if patients were more involved in their care and had more control over their healthcare dollars, the system would be more efficient and effective.

A Call for Reform

In Catastrophic Care, Goldhill doesn't just identify problems, he also offers solutions. He calls for a complete overhaul of the healthcare system, with a focus on consumer power, competition, and transparency. It's a compelling argument that will make you see healthcare in a new light.

Quotes 5

Catastrophic Care is a phenomenal piece of work, a book that will completely transform our understanding of the health care system.

Malcolm GladwellMalcolm Gladwell - Journalist, Author

David Goldhill's book is one of the most important economics books of the last decade. It's a must-read for anyone interested in the future of healthcare.

Tyler CowenTyler Cowen - Economist, Writer

Catastrophic Care is a powerful and illuminating examination of the root causes of the American health care crisis. It's a book that deserves to be read by everyone.

Atul GawandeAtul Gawande - Surgeon, Writer

David Goldhill's Catastrophic Care is a brilliant analysis of the American health care system. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the complexities of healthcare.

Daniel KahnemanDaniel Kahneman - Psychologist, Economist

Catastrophic Care is a groundbreaking book that challenges everything we think we know about health care. It's a must-read for anyone who cares about the future of healthcare.

Steven PinkerSteven Pinker - Psychologist, Author
Malcolm GladwellTyler CowenAtul GawandeDaniel KahnemanSteven Pinker


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