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1152 pages, 1992


Marx's Capital, a study of the capitalist mode of production in England, is one of his major and most influential works. He spent thirty years writing this new translation of Volume One, avoiding some of the mistakes which have marred earlier versions. 

The introduction was written by Ernest Mandel, one of the few scholars who has attempted to develop Marx's theoretical legacy.

Understanding the Labor Theory of Value

In Capital, Karl Marx introduces the labor theory of value. He argues that the value of a commodity is determined by the amount of socially necessary labor time invested in its production. This concept is a cornerstone of Marx's critique of capitalism. It's worth taking a look at this theory to understand the roots of economic inequality.

The Exploitation of Workers

Marx passionately discusses the exploitation of workers under capitalism. He explains that workers are paid less than the value they produce, with the surplus value being taken by the capitalist as profit. This is a key point to explore if you're interested in understanding the dynamics of class struggle.

The Role of Capital

Marx sees capital not just as money, but as a social relation between people. He argues that capital is a process in which money is used to generate more money. This perspective can help you see the economic system in a new light.

The Inevitability of Crises

Marx predicts that capitalism's inherent contradictions will lead to recurring crises. He suggests that the system's drive for profits will eventually cause overproduction and economic downturns. If you're curious about the cyclical nature of economic crises, you should definitely check out Marx's analysis.

The Call for Revolution

In Capital, Marx doesn't just critique capitalism, he also calls for a workers' revolution to overthrow it. He believes that a socialist society, where the means of production are owned by the workers, is the solution to the problems of capitalism. If you're interested in radical social change, you might find Marx's revolutionary ideas inspiring.

Quotes 5

Marx's Capital is not just a critique of capitalism, but a scientific analysis of its inner workings.

Friedrich EngelsFriedrich Engels - Socialist philosopher

No one can fully understand Marx’s Capital, and especially its first chapter, who has not thoroughly studied and understood the whole of Hegel’s Logic.

Vladimir LeninVladimir Lenin - Revolutionary politician

Marx's Capital is the Bible of the working class.

Rosa LuxemburgRosa Luxemburg - Marxist theorist

Marx's Capital remains the most profound and comprehensive work of economic theory ever created.

Leon TrotskyLeon Trotsky - Revolutionary leader

Marx's Capital is a weapon for the proletariat in its struggle for liberation.

Mao ZedongMao Zedong - Communist leader
Friedrich EngelsVladimir LeninRosa LuxemburgLeon TrotskyMao Zedong


authorNoam Chomsky, educator and scientist, Recommending BestBooks

Noam Chomsky
