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Can Love Last?

224 pages, 2003

science & nature

science & nature

1064 books


909 books


705 books

This beautiful and brilliant book reexamines love and its perils. Economist Stephen A. Mitchell argues that romance doesn't actually diminish in long-term relationships―it becomes increasingly dangerous. 

What we regard as the transience of love is really risk management. He shows that love can endure, if only we become aware of our self-destructive efforts to protect ourselves from its risks.

Understanding Love's Lifespan

In 'Can Love Last?', Stephen A. Mitchell explores the idea that love isn't meant to be permanent. He suggests that love changes and evolves over time, and that's perfectly normal. So, if you're worried about your feelings changing, take a look at this book to understand why it's a natural process.

The Role of Culture in Love

Mitchell digs into how our cultural background influences our perception of love. He argues that societal norms and expectations can often shape our experiences and feelings of love. If you're curious about how culture impacts love, this book is a must-read.

Love and Idealization

One key point Mitchell makes is about the danger of idealizing love. He suggests that when we put love on a pedestal, we set ourselves up for disappointment. So, if you've been feeling let down in love, check out 'Can Love Last?' to find a new perspective.

The Fear of Love's Impermanence

Mitchell explores the common fear of love's impermanence. He explains that this fear can lead to self-sabotage in relationships. If you've ever worried about love not lasting, this book can help you understand and overcome that fear.

Love's Complexity

In 'Can Love Last?', Mitchell doesn't shy away from discussing the complexity of love. He encourages readers to embrace this complexity rather than fearing it. If you're ready to dive deeper into understanding love, this book is a great place to start.

Quotes 5

Stephen Mitchell's 'Can Love Last?' is a profound exploration of the nature and durability of love. It's a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the complexities of human connection.

Dr. Sue JohnsonDr. Sue Johnson - Relationship Therapist

Mitchell's 'Can Love Last?' is a thought-provoking examination of love's endurance. It's a book that challenges and enlightens.

Esther PerelEsther Perel - Psychotherapist, Author

'Can Love Last?' is a deep dive into the intricacies of love and its longevity. Mitchell's insights are invaluable.

Dr. Dan SiegelDr. Dan Siegel - Psychiatrist, Author

Stephen Mitchell's 'Can Love Last?' is a compelling exploration of love's resilience. It's a book that resonates and inspires.

Brene BrownBrene Brown - Research Professor

'Can Love Last?' is a profound study of love's sustainability. Mitchell's work is both enlightening and thought-provoking.

Dr. John GottmanDr. John Gottman - Psychologist, Author
Dr. Sue JohnsonEsther PerelDr. Dan SiegelBrene BrownDr. John Gottman


authorEsther Perel

Esther Perel
