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California Design

360 pages, 2011


This lavishly illustrated book accompanies a major exhibition at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and is the first comprehensive examination of California's mid-century modern design. 

The book charts the origins of this distinctly Californian style in the 1930s by such European émigrés as Richard Neutra, Rudolph Schindler, and Kem Weber; it finds other specific design influences and innovations in solid-color commercial ceramics, inspirations from Mexico and Asia, new schools for design training, new concepts about leisure, and the conversion of wartime technologies to peacetime use.

The Birth of California Design

In her book, Wendy Kaplan explores the origins of California Design. She takes us on a journey through the mid-20th century, when California became a hub for innovative and forward-thinking design. It's a fascinating look into how the state's unique culture and lifestyle influenced its design aesthetics.

Influence of California Design

Kaplan's research shows how California Design has had a significant impact on global design trends. From architecture to fashion, the influence of California's laid-back, functional, and aesthetically pleasing design principles can be seen worldwide. It's a must-read for anyone interested in design history.

Key Figures in California Design

The book introduces us to the key figures who shaped California Design. Kaplan does a great job of bringing these designers to life, sharing their stories, inspirations, and contributions. You'll get to know the people behind the designs, making the book even more engaging.

Understanding Design Principles

Kaplan's book is not just about history; it's also a great resource for understanding design principles. She breaks down the elements of California Design, explaining why it works and how it can be applied. If you're a design enthusiast or a professional, you'll find this book incredibly useful.

The Legacy of California Design

Finally, the book explores the legacy of California Design. It's amazing to see how the design principles that originated in California continue to shape our world today. Kaplan encourages us to look at our surroundings and appreciate the impact of California Design. It's a great reminder of the power of good design.

Quotes 5

California Design is a comprehensive exploration of the Golden State's contribution to modern design. A must-read for anyone interested in the history of design.

Michael BierutMichael Bierut - Graphic Designer

Wendy Kaplan's California Design is a masterful account of the state's unique design history. It's a compelling read for design enthusiasts.

Alice RawsthornAlice Rawsthorn - Design Critic

California Design is a remarkable book that beautifully illustrates the state's influence on design. It's a treasure trove of inspiration.

Paola AntonelliPaola Antonelli - Curator, MoMA

California Design is a fascinating journey through the state's design history. It's an essential resource for designers and students alike.

Tim BrownTim Brown - Design Thinker

Wendy Kaplan's California Design is a groundbreaking work that showcases the state's rich design heritage. It's a must-have for any design library.

Ellen LuptonEllen Lupton - Graphic Designer
Michael BierutAlice RawsthornPaola AntonelliTim BrownEllen Lupton


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