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Brighton Rock

374 pages, 2004



1382 books

Seventeen-year-old Pinkie is waging a gang war in Brighton's underworld. He has killed a man, believing he can escape retribution. 

But Pinkie’s life is about to change when he meets a courageous and life-embracing young woman named Ida Arnold. Greene’s gripping thriller exposes a world of violence, obsession, and loneliness.

Exploring the Complexity of Characters

In Brighton Rock, Graham Greene presents us with complex characters that are neither purely good nor evil. This encourages us to look beyond the surface and understand the motivations and circumstances that shape a person's actions. It's a reminder that people are more than just their actions.

The Power of Setting

The book uses the setting of Brighton, a seaside town, to create a stark contrast between the idyllic tourist facade and the grim underworld. This serves as a metaphor for the characters and their dual nature. It's worth checking out how Greene uses setting to enhance the story.

Exploration of Faith and Morality

Brighton Rock delves into deep questions about faith, morality, and the nature of evil. Greene, a devout Catholic, uses his characters to explore these themes. If you're interested in philosophical and moral debates, this book will give you plenty to think about.

The Impact of Fear and Guilt

Graham Greene masterfully portrays the crippling effects of fear and guilt on his characters. He shows how these emotions can lead to destructive decisions and self-loathing. This book will make you reflect on the role of these emotions in your own life.

The Art of Suspense

Brighton Rock is a masterclass in building suspense. Greene keeps you on the edge of your seat, making you eager to turn the page and find out what happens next. If you're a fan of thrillers or want to learn how to create suspense in your own writing, this book is a must-read.

Quotes 5

Brighton Rock is a masterpiece of storytelling, a book that manages to be both thought-provoking and thrilling.

John UpdikeJohn Updike - American novelist

Graham Greene's Brighton Rock is a chilling exploration of the human capacity for evil.

William GoldingWilliam Golding - British author

Brighton Rock is a novel that never fails to surprise and engage the reader.

Zadie SmithZadie Smith - Contemporary novelist

Brighton Rock is a gripping tale of crime and punishment, of sin and redemption.

Ian McEwanIan McEwan - British novelist

Brighton Rock is a profound and disturbing work, a classic of 20th-century literature.

Harold BloomHarold Bloom - Literary critic
John UpdikeWilliam GoldingZadie SmithIan McEwanHarold Bloom


authorLena Dunham

Lena Dunham


Brighton Rock found in libraries

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