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Break Any Woman Down

168 pages, 2012



1382 books

In this collection of stories, Dana Johnson offers a new, often humorous, perspective on race in America. 

By exploring the lives of a variety of characters—a young black girl who moves to the suburbs, two Iranian sisters who love their futures but are unsure if they will be mothers, and a punk rocker who falls for a beautiful girl—she sheds light on the importance and influence of race in contemporary society.

Exploring the Complexity of Identity

Dana Johnson's Break Any Woman Down offers a deep exploration of identity. The characters in the book are often caught between their cultural heritage and the pressure to assimilate into mainstream American society. This struggle is a key theme that you'll find throughout the book.

Understanding the Female Experience

The book provides a unique perspective on the female experience. Johnson's characters are strong, complex women who face a variety of challenges. They navigate relationships, careers, and personal growth, offering readers a chance to see the world through their eyes.

The Power of Storytelling

Johnson's storytelling is powerful and engaging. She uses a mix of humor, drama, and realism to bring her characters to life. If you're a fan of well-crafted narratives, you'll definitely want to check out Break Any Woman Down.

Exploring Racial and Social Issues

The book doesn't shy away from tackling racial and social issues. Johnson explores these topics with sensitivity and insight, making it a great read for anyone interested in understanding different perspectives.

The Beauty of Diversity

Break Any Woman Down celebrates diversity. The characters come from various backgrounds and their stories reflect the richness of their experiences. Johnson shows us that despite our differences, we all share common human experiences.

Quotes 5

Dana Johnson's 'Break Any Woman Down' is a collection of stories that are as diverse as they are powerful. Each story is a testament to her ability to create characters that are real, relatable, and deeply human.

Aimee BenderAimee Bender - American Novelist

Johnson's 'Break Any Woman Down' is a compelling exploration of the human condition. It's a book that will make you think, make you feel, and most importantly, make you question.

David UlinDavid Ulin - Book Critic

Dana Johnson's 'Break Any Woman Down' is a masterful collection of stories that are as thought-provoking as they are beautifully written.

Susan StraightSusan Straight - American Writer

'Break Any Woman Down' is a book that will stay with you long after you've turned the last page. Dana Johnson's storytelling is nothing short of brilliant.

Michael SilverblattMichael Silverblatt - Radio Host

Dana Johnson's 'Break Any Woman Down' is a book that will challenge you, move you, and ultimately change you. It's a must-read for anyone who appreciates good literature.

Janet FitchJanet Fitch - American Author
Aimee BenderDavid UlinSusan StraightMichael SilverblattJanet Fitch


authorRoxane Gay

Roxane Gay
