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216 pages, 1988



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biographies & memoirs

997 books

A timely, unflinching portrait of the last of the backroom Caesars. Richard J. Daley made such an indelible mark on Chicago that at his death in 1976, one wag called him Mayor for Life. 

This witty and insightful book by Chicago Tribune columnist Mike Royko brings to life the most powerful political figure of his time, who truly created the word machine and whose laissez-faire policy toward corruption earned him the epithet kingmaker. 

The man, the machine, the city--Royko reveals all with keen insight and unwavering honesty.

Understanding Power and Politics

In 'Boss', Mike Royko gives us a deep look into the world of politics and power. He shows us how Richard J. Daley, the mayor of Chicago, used his influence to control the city. It's a great read if you want to understand how politics can shape a city and its people.

The Art of Leadership

Royko's book is not just about politics, it's also about leadership. He shows us how Daley led the city with an iron fist, making tough decisions and standing by them. If you're interested in leadership, you should definitely check out 'Boss'.

The Impact of Corruption

One of the key themes in 'Boss' is corruption. Royko explores how corruption can infiltrate every level of government and affect the lives of ordinary people. It's a sobering look at the dark side of power and politics.

The Power of the Media

In 'Boss', we see how Daley used the media to his advantage, controlling the narrative and shaping public opinion. It's a fascinating look into the power of the media and its role in politics.

The Human Side of Politics

While 'Boss' is a book about politics and power, it's also a book about people. Royko shows us the human side of politics, exploring the lives of the people affected by Daley's decisions. It's a reminder that behind every political decision, there are real people with real lives.

Quotes 5

Mike Royko's 'Boss' is a compelling and insightful exploration of the life and times of Richard J. Daley. It's a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the political landscape of Chicago.

Barack ObamaBarack Obama - 44th U.S. President

'Boss' by Mike Royko is a riveting and enlightening read that delves into the heart of Chicago's political scene. It's a book that will leave you thinking long after you've turned the last page.

Oprah WinfreyOprah Winfrey - Media Executive

Mike Royko's 'Boss' is a masterful portrayal of a complex and controversial figure. It's a book that is as engaging as it is informative.

Roger EbertRoger Ebert - Film Critic

'Boss' by Mike Royko is a fascinating and thought-provoking look at one of the most influential figures in Chicago's history. It's a book that is both enlightening and entertaining.

David AxelrodDavid Axelrod - Political Consultant

Mike Royko's 'Boss' is a captivating and insightful examination of Richard J. Daley's reign. It's a book that is as compelling as it is informative.

Rahm EmanuelRahm Emanuel - Chicago Mayor
Barack ObamaOprah WinfreyRoger EbertDavid AxelrodRahm Emanuel


Audrey Gelman

Audrey Gelman


Boss found in libraries

498 books

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