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Biography of the Dollar

272 pages, 2008


For decades the United States dollar has been the undisputed champion, but its reign as the king of currency may soon be over. While the dollar is accepted everywhere in the world, America’s economy is sputtering as lawmakers refuse to make tough decisions on debt and deficits. 

Richard Nixon made China’s renminbi a reserve currency six years ago, but President Obama seems more interested in making the European Union’s euro the world standard. President Obama should remember that America’s prosperity and security rely on maintaining a strong currency, especially at a time when countries such as Russia are retooling their economies to rival ours. 

Many economists agree that we will see an eclipsing of the dollar or renminbi in favor of a stronger currency.

Understanding the Dollar's Global Influence

In the Biography of the Dollar, Craig Karmin explores the global influence of the US dollar. He shows how it has shaped economies worldwide and how its value can impact global markets. It's a fascinating look into the world of finance and economics.

The Dollar's Historical Journey

Karmin takes us on a historical journey, tracing the dollar's evolution from its inception to its current status as the world's dominant currency. You'll see how the dollar has weathered financial crises and geopolitical shifts, and how it has adapted over time.

The Dollar and US Economy

The book also digs into the relationship between the dollar and the US economy. Karmin explains how changes in the dollar's value can affect everything from the price of goods to the health of the stock market. It's a great way to understand the interconnectedness of global economies.

The Future of the Dollar

Karmin doesn't just look at the past; he also considers the future of the dollar. He discusses potential threats to its dominance and what that could mean for the US and global economies. It's a thought-provoking exploration of what lies ahead.

The Dollar's Impact on Everyday Life

Finally, the Biography of the Dollar shows how the dollar impacts our everyday lives. From the prices we pay for goods to the stability of our jobs, Karmin makes it clear that the dollar's influence is far-reaching. It's a compelling reminder of the power of currency.

Quotes 5

Karmin's 'Biography of the Dollar' is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the complex world of global finance. It's a fascinating exploration of the dollar's role in the world economy.

Warren BuffetWarren Buffet - Investment Guru

Karmin's book provides a comprehensive and engaging history of the dollar, shedding light on its evolving role in the global economy.

Ben BernankeBen Bernanke - Former Fed Chairman

The 'Biography of the Dollar' is a compelling narrative that offers valuable insights into the complex world of international finance.

Christine LagardeChristine Lagarde - IMF Chief

Karmin's book is a fascinating journey through the history of the dollar, providing a unique perspective on global economics.

Paul KrugmanPaul Krugman - Economist, Columnist

The 'Biography of the Dollar' is an essential read for anyone seeking to understand the intricacies of the global economy.

Nouriel RoubiniNouriel Roubini - Economic Forecaster
Warren BuffetBen BernankeChristine LagardePaul KrugmanNouriel Roubini


authorTim Ferriss, media personality and technology and venture capitalist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Tim Ferriss

media personalitytechnologyventure capitalistauthor

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