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Beyond Words
496 pages, 2016
In Beyond Words, Carl Safina guides readers to experience the world through the eyes of animals as they struggle to make their way through a fast-changing natural world. Weaving decades of field observations with exciting new discoveries about the brain, Beyond Words takes us to Amboseli National Park in Kenya where we see elephants struggle to survive poaching and drought, Yellowstone National Park where wolves sort out the aftermath of one pack's personal tragedy, and Pacific Northwest waters where killer whales live in the most peaceful of societies.
In Beyond Words, Carl Safina takes us on a journey to explore the emotional world of animals. He shows us that animals, like humans, experience a wide range of emotions such as joy, fear, and love. This book will make you see animals in a new light and appreciate their emotional depth.
Safina's research in Beyond Words reveals that animals are much smarter than we give them credit for. They have the ability to think, plan, and even deceive. This book will challenge your preconceived notions about animal intelligence.
Beyond Words isn't just about understanding animals, it's also about protecting them. Safina emphasizes the importance of conservation and how our actions impact the lives of animals. This book will inspire you to take action and play a part in preserving our planet's wildlife.
One of the key messages in Beyond Words is the deep connection between humans and animals. Safina shows us that we share more similarities than differences with animals. This book will make you rethink your relationship with the animal kingdom.
Beyond Words is also a celebration of the beauty of nature. Safina's vivid descriptions of the natural world will make you feel like you're right there with him, observing animals in their natural habitats. This book will make you fall in love with nature all over again.
Quotes 5
Beyond Words is a must-read. It's a game-changer in our understanding of the lives of other animals.

Beyond Words is a triumph, filled with captivating insights that bring the animals to life.

Beyond Words is a beautifully written, deeply moving chronicle about the lives of animals. It's a book that everyone should read.

Beyond Words is a milestone, it changes our perception of the animal world.

Beyond Words is a revelation, a masterful exploration of animal minds and hearts.