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Being With Dying

224 pages, 2009


As a pioneer in the care of the dying, Joan Halifax founded the Project on Being with Dying, which helps dying people face death with courage and trains professional and family caregivers in compassionate and ethical end-of-life care. 

In this long-awaited book of inspiring and practical teachings, she offers lessons from dying people and caregivers as well as guided meditations to help readers contemplate death without fear, develop a commitment to helping others, and transform suffering and resistance into courage.

Understanding Death

In 'Being With Dying', Joan Halifax encourages us to explore our relationship with death. She believes that understanding and accepting death as a part of life can help us live more fully and fearlessly.

Compassionate Care

Halifax emphasizes the importance of compassionate care for the dying. She shares her experiences and insights on how to provide comfort, understanding, and love during the most challenging times. It's a must-read for anyone involved in end-of-life care.

Mindfulness and Presence

The book encourages us to be fully present with the dying. Halifax teaches us how to use mindfulness and meditation to stay grounded and focused, even in the face of death. This can help us provide better care and support.

Personal Growth

Halifax suggests that being with dying people can lead to personal growth. She shares how these experiences can teach us about empathy, compassion, and the value of life. It's a unique perspective that can change the way you see the world.

Practical Advice

In 'Being With Dying', you'll find practical advice on dealing with the emotional, ethical, and spiritual challenges of caring for the dying. Halifax shares her wisdom and experience, making this book a valuable resource for both professionals and family members.

Quotes 5

Joan Halifax's book, Being With Dying, is a deeply engaging examination and guide to the complex process of dying. It is a must-read for anyone involved in the process of death.

Ram DassRam Dass - Spiritual teacher, Author

Joan Halifax's Being With Dying is a profound work, filled with practical advice, that fosters compassion and helps to navigate the dying process.

Thich Nhat HanhThich Nhat Hanh - Buddhist monk, Peace activist

Being With Dying by Joan Halifax is a compassionate guide that illuminates the path to dying with dignity and grace.

Daniel GolemanDaniel Goleman - Psychologist, Author

Joan Halifax's Being With Dying is a deeply moving and insightful book. It provides a direct understanding of death and dying that is both personal and scholarly.

Sharon SalzbergSharon Salzberg - Meditation teacher, Author

Joan Halifax's Being With Dying is a profound and practical book. It is a manual for all who seek to be of help to those at the end of life.

Jon Kabat-ZinnJon Kabat-Zinn - Scientist, Meditation teacher
Ram DassThich Nhat HanhDaniel GolemanSharon SalzbergJon Kabat-Zinn


authorArianna Huffington, entrepreneur and journalist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Arianna Huffington
