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Becoming Steve Jobs

480 pages, 2016

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Schlender and Tetzeli have written the first full-scale biography of Steve Jobs, featuring exclusive interviews with those closest to him. 

The book takes a different approach from previous biographies, dealing with Jobs as a human being who learned from his mistakes. The book's central argument is that Jobs's reckless nature at the start of his career turned into the vision and efficiency that made Apple the most successful company in modern history.

The Evolution of Steve Jobs

Brent Schlender's book, Becoming Steve Jobs, explores the transformation of Jobs from a reckless upstart to a visionary leader. It's not just about his professional journey, but also his personal growth. You'll see how Jobs learned from his failures and used them to achieve unprecedented success.

Jobs' Unique Leadership Style

In Becoming Steve Jobs, you'll find that Jobs had a unique leadership style. He was not just a boss, but a mentor who inspired his team to think differently and push boundaries. His approach was often unconventional, but it led to groundbreaking innovations.

The Importance of Passion

One key takeaway from the book is the importance of passion. Jobs was deeply passionate about his work, and this passion drove him to create products that changed the world. If you're looking for inspiration to pursue your passion, this book is a must-read.

Jobs' Relationship with Other Tech Giants

Brent Schlender also sheds light on Jobs' relationships with other tech giants like Bill Gates and Larry Ellison. You'll get to see a different side of these tech moguls and how their interactions with Jobs shaped the tech industry.

The Impact of Steve Jobs on Apple

The book also digs into the profound impact Jobs had on Apple. His return to the company in 1997 marked a turning point, leading to the creation of iconic products like the iPhone and iPad. You'll see how Jobs' vision and leadership turned Apple into one of the most valuable companies in the world.

Quotes 5

Becoming Steve Jobs does a remarkable job capturing the essence of a creative genius. It brings to light the different facets of Jobs' life and explains how they influenced the innovations that would come to define him.

Tim CookTim Cook - Apple CEO

This book is a reimagining of my own work, but more personal, less formal, with a lot more texture to the narrative. It's a great book.

Walter IsaacsonWalter Isaacson - Biographer, Journalist

Becoming Steve Jobs is a fascinating exploration of Jobs' life and career. It's a well-researched, well-written book that offers a unique perspective on one of the most influential figures in technology.

Bill GatesBill Gates - Microsoft Co-founder

This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of technology, entrepreneurship, or the extraordinary life of Steve Jobs.

Marc AndreessenMarc Andreessen - Entrepreneur, Investor

Becoming Steve Jobs is a thoughtful and insightful exploration of the roller-coaster life and searingly intense personality of a creative entrepreneur.

Ed CatmullEd Catmull - Pixar Co-founder
Tim CookWalter IsaacsonBill GatesMarc AndreessenEd Catmull


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Becoming Steve Jobs found in libraries

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