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Baron in the Trees

320 pages, 2017

In The Baron in the Trees, Italo Calvino imagines a life lived entirely in trees. Cosimo di Rondó—a young Italian nobleman of the 18th century—rebelled against his parents by climbing into the trees, where he remained for the rest of his life. He adapted to an existence in the forest canopy—he hunted, sowed crops, played games with earth-bound friends, fought forest fires, solved engineering problems, and even had love affairs. From his perch in the trees, Cosimo saw the Age of Enlightenment pass by and the new century dawn.
Embrace Unconventional Paths

In Baron in the Trees, Italo Calvino tells the story of a boy who chooses to live his life in the trees. This unusual choice shows us that it's okay to take a different path in life. You don't always have to follow the crowd. Sometimes, the most rewarding experiences come from exploring the road less traveled.

Value of Independence

The protagonist, Cosimo, values his independence above all else. He shows us that being self-reliant and independent can lead to a fulfilling life. It's a reminder to take control of our own lives and make our own decisions.

Nature as a Sanctuary

Calvino paints a vivid picture of nature as a sanctuary. Cosimo finds peace, freedom, and happiness in the trees. This book encourages us to reconnect with nature and find our own sanctuary in the great outdoors.

The Power of Adaptability

Living in the trees wasn't easy, but Cosimo adapted to his new life. He learned to hunt, cook, and even read in the trees. This shows us the importance of being adaptable in life. When faced with challenges, we need to learn, adapt, and overcome.

Importance of Human Connection

Despite his self-imposed isolation, Cosimo still craved human connection. He interacted with people from his tree-top home and even fell in love. This highlights the importance of human connection in our lives. No matter how independent we are, we still need others to share our lives with.

Quotes 5

Calvino's 'Baron in the Trees' is a masterpiece of magical realism, a genre he has helped define and elevate.

Umberto EcoUmberto Eco - Italian novelist

Calvino's 'Baron in the Trees' is a whimsical and profound exploration of freedom and responsibility.

Salman RushdieSalman Rushdie - British Indian novelist

Calvino's 'Baron in the Trees' is a delightful and thought-provoking tale that challenges our perception of reality.

Haruki MurakamiHaruki Murakami - Japanese writer

Calvino's 'Baron in the Trees' is a magical tale that captivates the reader with its charm and wit.

Neil GaimanNeil Gaiman - English author

Calvino's 'Baron in the Trees' is a beautifully crafted narrative that explores the human condition in a unique and compelling way.

Margaret AtwoodMargaret Atwood - Canadian poet
Umberto EcoSalman RushdieHaruki MurakamiNeil GaimanMargaret Atwood


Frank Chimero, designer and author, Recommending BestBooks

Frank Chimero
