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Bad News

256 pages, 2012



1382 books

Patrick Melrose, a 22-year-old with a massive heroin addiction is forced to travel to New York to collect his father's ashes. Over the course of a weekend Patrick's remorseless search for drugs on the avenues of Manhattan, haunted by old acquaintances and insistent inner voices, sends him into a nightmarish spiral. 

Alone in his room at the Pierre Hotel, he pushes body and mind to the very edge – desperate always to stay one step ahead of his rapidly encroaching past.

The Struggle with Addiction

In Bad News, Edward St. Aubyn explores the protagonist's struggle with drug addiction. It's a raw and honest look into the destructive cycle of substance abuse, showing us how it can consume a person's life. If you've ever wondered about the realities of addiction, this book will give you a clear picture.

The Impact of Childhood Trauma

St. Aubyn digs deep into the effects of childhood trauma on adult life. The protagonist's painful past is a constant presence, influencing his actions and decisions. This book will make you see how unresolved issues can shape a person's life.

The Power of Self-Reflection

Bad News encourages readers to take a look at their own lives. The protagonist's journey of self-reflection, despite being painful, is a necessary step towards healing. It's a reminder that understanding ourselves is the first step to making positive changes.

The Complexity of Human Emotions

Edward St. Aubyn does a great job of exploring the complexity of human emotions. He shows us that it's okay to feel a mix of emotions and that it's part of being human. If you're interested in understanding more about human emotions, you'll find this book insightful.

The Importance of Seeking Help

In the book, the protagonist's journey is a stark reminder of the importance of seeking help when dealing with issues like addiction or trauma. It's a call to action for anyone who's struggling, showing that it's okay to ask for help and that recovery is possible.

Quotes 5

St. Aubyn's Bad News is a masterful work of art, a testament to the power of the written word.

John BanvilleJohn Banville - Irish Novelist

Bad News is a profound exploration of the human condition, a book that will resonate with readers long after they've turned the last page.

Zadie SmithZadie Smith - British Author

St. Aubyn's Bad News is a tour de force, a book that challenges and provokes, leaving the reader both shaken and inspired.

Salman RushdieSalman Rushdie - Controversial Writer

Bad News is a powerful and poignant novel, a testament to St. Aubyn's skill as a writer and his understanding of the human spirit.

Margaret AtwoodMargaret Atwood - Canadian Poet

St. Aubyn's Bad News is a remarkable achievement, a book that is both deeply moving and profoundly insightful.

Ian McEwanIan McEwan - English Novelist
John BanvilleZadie SmithSalman RushdieMargaret AtwoodIan McEwan
