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Analysis, Manifolds and Physics, Part 1

656 pages, 1982

science & nature

science & nature

1064 books

The revised edition of this reference book provides an answer to the needs of graduate physical mathematics students and their teachers. 

It includes a new chapter on connections on principal fiber bundles, with sections on holonomy, characteristic classes, invariant curvature integrals, and problems on the geometry of gauge fields, monopoles, instantons, spin structures, and spin connections. 

Many paragraphs have been rewritten, and examples and exercises added to ease the study of several chapters. The index includes over 130 entries. 

Understanding Mathematical Physics

In 'Analysis, Manifolds and Physics, Part 1', Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat provides a comprehensive introduction to mathematical physics. It's a great resource to explore if you're interested in understanding the mathematical foundations of physical theories.

Importance of Manifolds

Choquet-Bruhat emphasizes the importance of manifolds in physics. Manifolds are mathematical structures that allow us to describe physical phenomena in a precise way. If you're curious about how mathematics and physics intertwine, this book is a must-read.

In-depth Analysis

The book offers an in-depth analysis of various mathematical concepts and their applications in physics. It's a great way to dig deeper into topics like differential equations, topology, and tensor analysis. You'll find it a valuable resource for your research.

Practical Approach

What sets this book apart is its practical approach. Choquet-Bruhat doesn't just explain the theory; she also shows how to apply it in real-world situations. If you're looking for a book that bridges the gap between theory and practice, take a look at 'Analysis, Manifolds and Physics, Part 1'.

For Advanced Learners

This book is geared towards advanced learners. It assumes a certain level of mathematical knowledge. So, if you're up for a challenge and want to expand your understanding of mathematical physics, this book is a great place to start.


Eric Weinstein

Eric Weinstein

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