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American Ground

240 pages, 2003



999 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books

Since the attacks on the World Trade Center, William Langewiesche had complete access to the site, where he was able to chronicle the efforts of those involved in recovery efforts.

He shows how even those who were initially incompetent learned new skills and discovered latent talents as they worked to pull their colleagues out of the rubble.

His book offers an inside look at what happened at ground zero during this volatile time and at the people who pulled together in order to help one another.

The Unseen Heroes

In American Ground, William Langewiesche brings to light the unsung heroes of the 9/11 tragedy. The construction workers, engineers, and laborers who worked tirelessly to clear the World Trade Center site are given the recognition they deserve. It's a reminder to appreciate the people who work behind the scenes in times of crisis.

The Power of Unity

The book explores the power of unity in the face of adversity. Despite the chaos and confusion following the 9/11 attacks, people from different backgrounds and professions came together to work towards a common goal. It's a testament to what we can achieve when we put aside our differences and work together.

The Complexity of Large-scale Operations

Langewiesche gives us a detailed look into the complexities involved in large-scale operations like the cleanup of the World Trade Center site. From the logistics to the politics, it's a fascinating insight into the challenges faced and how they were overcome.

The Human Side of Tragedy

American Ground doesn't just focus on the technical aspects of the cleanup operation. It also delves into the human side of the tragedy, exploring the emotional toll it took on those involved. It's a poignant reminder of the human cost of such events.

The Resilience of the Human Spirit

Above all, the book is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Despite the unimaginable devastation, the people involved in the cleanup operation showed incredible strength and determination. It's an inspiring read that shows us the power of resilience in the face of adversity.

Quotes 5

Langewiesche's 'American Ground' is a masterful and moving account of the men and women who dared to face the unimaginable devastation of 9/11.

John UpdikeJohn Updike - Pulitzer-winning Novelist

Langewiesche's 'American Ground' is a compelling, insightful, and deeply human story of the 9/11 aftermath.

Tom BrokawTom Brokaw - Television Journalist

'American Ground' is a profound exploration of the human spirit's resilience in the face of unimaginable disaster.

Robert CaroRobert Caro - Biography Author

Langewiesche's 'American Ground' is a powerful testament to the courage and determination of the American people.

Doris Kearns GoodwinDoris Kearns Goodwin - Historian, Author

'American Ground' is a haunting, yet inspiring account of the 9/11 tragedy and its aftermath.

Stephen KingStephen King - Horror Fiction Author
John UpdikeTom BrokawRobert CaroDoris Kearns GoodwinStephen King


Diana Kimball Berlin

Diana Kimball Berlin
