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All-Night Party

320 pages, 2004


A group of beautiful socialites, poets, singers, artists, and journalists revolted against the idea of traditional female roles and managed to live according to their own terms. The most famous socialites include Mina Loy—a modernist poet who was much photographed and traveled in pivotal international artistic circles, Bessie Smith—a blues singer whose powerful voice embodied the 1920s ideal of sexual daring, Edna St. 

Vincent Millay—the lyric poet whose charm and passion made her the face of the female revolution in the 1920s, Margaret Anderson—the publisher behind the famous literary magazine The Little Review that was known for its controversial content, and Mabel Dodge--a wealthy heiress who hosted a salon in New York City that attracted many influential people.

The Power of Women

All-Night Party by Andrea Barnet is a celebration of the power of women. It explores the lives of women who defied societal norms and expectations to live life on their own terms. You'll be inspired by their courage and determination.

The Roaring Twenties

The book takes you back to the Roaring Twenties, a time of great change and excitement. You'll get a glimpse into the lives of the women who shaped this era, from artists to activists. It's like a time machine in book form!

The Importance of Individuality

Andrea Barnet emphasizes the importance of individuality. Each woman in the book is unique, with her own dreams, passions, and struggles. It's a reminder that being true to yourself is the key to happiness and success.

The Impact of Art and Culture

All-Night Party shows how art and culture can change society. The women in the book used their talents to challenge the status quo and make a difference. It's a great read for anyone interested in the intersection of art, culture, and social change.

The Strength of Female Friendships

The book highlights the strength and importance of female friendships. These women supported each other through thick and thin, proving that friendships can be just as powerful and enduring as romantic relationships. It's a heartwarming look into the bonds between women.

Quotes 5

All-Night Party is a fascinating exploration of the women who defined the Jazz Age. It's a must-read for anyone interested in the era.

Susan OrleanSusan Orlean - Author, Journalist

All-Night Party is a powerful testament to the women who dared to break the rules in the Roaring Twenties. It's a captivating read.

Gloria SteinemGloria Steinem - Feminist, Activist

All-Night Party is a riveting journey into the lives of the women who shaped the Jazz Age. It's a compelling narrative that's hard to put down.

Joyce Carol OatesJoyce Carol Oates - Novelist, Professor

All-Night Party is a brilliant exploration of the women who dared to defy societal norms in the 1920s. It's a fascinating read.

Margaret AtwoodMargaret Atwood - Author, Environmental Activist

All-Night Party is a captivating look at the women who defined the Jazz Age. It's a must-read for anyone interested in the era.

Jill LeporeJill Lepore - Historian, Author
Susan OrleanGloria SteinemJoyce Carol OatesMargaret AtwoodJill Lepore


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