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Alien vs. Predator

96 pages, 2012



1382 books
arts & entertainment

arts & entertainment

401 books

A debut collection of poems about an equally savage and hilarious subject. Equal parts hip-hop, John Berryman, and capitalism seeking death and not finding it, Michael Robbins's poems are strange, wonderful, wild, and completely unlike anything else being written today. 

As allusive as the Cantos, as aggressive as a circular saw, this debut collection will offend none but the virtuous. Every once in a while a book appears as if out of nowhere with uncanny authority and combines the shock of the new with the shock of recognition. 

Michael Robbins's Alien vs. Predator has given me a sense of what early readers of The Waste Land must have felt in 1922 and what it must have been like to pick up a copy of Wise Blood at the bookstore in 1952.

Unique Blend of Pop Culture and Poetry

Michael Robbins' Alien vs. Predator is a unique blend of pop culture references and traditional poetry. It's a fresh take on the genre that invites readers to explore the world of poetry in a new light.

Humor and Wit

Robbins uses humor and wit to make his poetry accessible and engaging. His clever use of language and unexpected twists will keep you entertained and eager to read more.

Thought-Provoking Themes

Despite its playful exterior, Alien vs. Predator tackles serious and thought-provoking themes. Robbins encourages readers to look into the deeper meanings behind his words and reflect on their own experiences.

Innovative Style

Robbins' innovative style is a breath of fresh air in the world of poetry. He breaks away from traditional structures and formats, encouraging readers to see poetry as a flexible and evolving art form.

Cultural Commentary

Alien vs. Predator is more than just a collection of poems. It's a commentary on modern culture, inviting readers to question and explore the world around them. Check out this book if you're interested in a fresh perspective on society and culture.


authorRolf Potts

Rolf Potts

journalistmedia personalityauthor