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Accumulation and Power

235 pages, 2016



999 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books
With its geographic location at the very center of Northeast Asia and its pivotal role in the economic integration of the region, Korea can be a key player in the coalescence of a broad, open regionalism in Northeast Asia. This book offers an appraisal of Korea as a key to regional integration.
Understanding the Power Dynamics

In Accumulation and Power, Richard B. DuBoff explores the intricate relationship between economic accumulation and political power. He argues that economic power often translates into political influence, shaping the rules of the game. This is a key concept to grasp if you're interested in understanding the dynamics of power in society.

The Role of Capitalism

DuBoff digs into the role of capitalism in shaping society. He suggests that capitalism isn't just an economic system, but a social order that influences every aspect of our lives. If you're curious about the impact of capitalism on society, this book will provide you with some thought-provoking insights.

Historical Perspective

Accumulation and Power offers a historical perspective on economic and political power. DuBoff takes us on a journey through time, showing how power dynamics have evolved over the centuries. This historical lens can help you see the present in a new light.

The Influence of Corporations

DuBoff also takes a look at the influence of corporations on power dynamics. He argues that corporations have become major players in the political arena, often shaping policies to their advantage. This is a must-read if you want to understand the role of corporations in today's world.

The Future of Power

Finally, Accumulation and Power doesn't just look at the past and present, but also the future. DuBoff explores potential scenarios for the future of power dynamics, based on current trends. If you're interested in what the future might hold, you'll find this part of the book particularly intriguing.


authorNoam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky
