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A Treatise of Human Nature

381 pages, 2004


One sentence can lead your mind to a garden of contemplation. It all depends on the sentence and the view. Newly reissued, this is a collection of exquisitely crafted essays on themes as diverse as childhood and creativity, beauty, censorship, art, and politics. 

They are responses to the world and the times we live in. They ask unsettling questions. They provoke thoughts and they make us dream... and laugh.

Understanding Human Nature

In 'A Treatise of Human Nature', David Hume explores the complexities of human nature. He believes that our actions and thoughts are driven by passion rather than reason. This is a fascinating concept to dig into, as it challenges the common belief that logic is the driving force behind our decisions.

The Power of Perception

Hume takes a deep look into the role of perception in our lives. He suggests that our understanding of the world is based on our perceptions, not on any objective reality. This could change the way you see the world and your place in it.

The Concept of Self

David Hume challenges the traditional concept of self. He argues that the self is not a fixed entity, but a collection of perceptions that change over time. This could make you rethink your understanding of your own identity.

The Role of Morality

In 'A Treatise of Human Nature', Hume explores the role of morality in human life. He suggests that our moral judgments are based on our feelings rather than rational thought. This could inspire you to explore your own moral compass and what influences it.

The Nature of Belief

Hume researches the nature of belief in his book. He argues that belief is nothing more than a strong feeling of assurance in our perceptions. This could encourage you to question your own beliefs and what they are based on.

Quotes 5

David Hume's work awakened me from my dogmatic slumber, challenging my understanding of human nature.

Immanuel KantImmanuel Kant - Philosophy, Epistemology, Ethics

Hume's Treatise is the most profound and original philosophical work in the English language.

Bertrand RussellBertrand Russell - Philosophy, Logic, Social criticism

Hume's Treatise is a fundamental work that has shaped the course of philosophy.

Friedrich NietzscheFriedrich Nietzsche - Philosophy, Cultural criticism, Philology

Hume's Treatise has greatly influenced my understanding of human nature and evolution.

Charles DarwinCharles Darwin - Naturalist, Geologist, Biologist

Hume's Treatise has significantly shaped my philosophical understanding of the universe.

Albert EinsteinAlbert Einstein - Theoretical physicist, Scientist, Philosopher
Immanuel KantBertrand RussellFriedrich NietzscheCharles DarwinAlbert Einstein


authorChristopher Hitchens, journalist and politics and author, Recommending BestBooks

Christopher Hitchens


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