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A Mathematician's Apology
164 pages, 2012
Graham Greene hailed this 1940 account of mathematics as the best account of what it's like to be a creative artist, alongside Henry James's notebooks. Its author was C. P. Snow, the British novelist who also wrote "The Physicists. " This unique book offers sympathetic and witty insights into Hardy's life, with its rich store of anecdotes concerning his collaboration with the brilliant Indian mathematician Ramanujan, his idiosyncrasies, and his passion for cricket.
In A Mathematician's Apology, G.H. Hardy invites us to explore the beauty of mathematics. He argues that the true value of mathematics lies not in its practical applications, but in its inherent beauty and intellectual challenge. It's like a painting or a symphony - it's worth studying for its own sake.
Hardy encourages us to see mathematics as a creative art. He compares mathematicians to painters and poets, who create new ideas and structures out of their imagination. So, if you've always thought of math as dry and boring, this book might change your mind.
Hardy makes a strong case for the importance of pure mathematics - the kind of math that's done for its own sake, not for its practical applications. He argues that this kind of research often leads to unexpected discoveries that can have huge practical benefits. So, if you're curious about why mathematicians spend so much time on seemingly abstract problems, this book will give you some answers.
Ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a mathematician? In A Mathematician's Apology, you'll get a glimpse into Hardy's thought processes and his passion for his work. It's a fascinating look into a world that many of us never get to see.
Hardy argues that aesthetics play a crucial role in mathematics. Just like in art or music, mathematicians strive for elegance and beauty in their work. They're not just solving problems - they're creating something beautiful. So, if you're interested in the intersection of art and science, you'll find plenty to dig into here.
Quotes 5
A Mathematician's Apology is a profound insight into the mind of a working mathematician. It is a testament to the beauty of pure thought and the power of logic.

Hardy's Apology is a passionate defense of the pursuit of understanding for its own sake, a testament to the human spirit's unending quest for knowledge.

Hardy's book is a beacon of inspiration, illuminating the path for those who seek to understand the mysteries of mathematics.

A Mathematician's Apology is a testament to the power of human intellect and the beauty of mathematical thought.

Hardy's Apology is a powerful exploration of the beauty and complexity of mathematics, a subject that has the power to unlock the secrets of the universe.