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A Head Full of Ghosts

320 pages, 2016


The Barretts are your typical middle-class family—neither rich nor poor, neither attractive nor unattractive. But when fourteen-year-old Marjorie begins to display signs of acute schizophrenia, the Barretts’ lives go from mundane to macabre in a hurry. 

Her parents, John and Carolyn, are desperate to help her. However, she doesn’t respond well to their care and medications. They turn to a local Catholic priest for help and he suggests an exorcism. He believes that Marjorie is being controlled by an evil spirit. They reluctantly agree to be filmed during the ritual and soon find themselves unwitting stars of The Possession, a hit reality show. 

When events in the Barrett household explode in tragedy, the show becomes the stuff of urban legend…

The Power of Perspective

In A Head Full of Ghosts, Paul Tremblay uses different perspectives to tell the story. This technique allows us to see the events from various angles, making us question the reality of what's happening. It's a great reminder to always consider different viewpoints in our own lives.

The Influence of Media

The book explores the impact of media on our perception of reality. The Barrett family's story is exploited for a reality TV show, which adds another layer of complexity to their situation. It's a call to be mindful of how media can distort our understanding of events.

The Complexity of Mental Illness

Tremblay does an excellent job of portraying the complexity of mental illness. The character Marjorie's struggle with possible possession or schizophrenia is a central theme. It encourages us to research and understand mental health issues better.

The Unpredictability of Life

A Head Full of Ghosts shows us that life can be unpredictable and scary. The Barrett family's normal life is turned upside down by Marjorie's illness. It's a reminder to appreciate the stability in our lives and be prepared for unexpected changes.

The Importance of Family

Despite the horror and uncertainty, the book highlights the importance of family. The Barretts stick together through unimaginable circumstances, showing us the strength of familial bonds. It's a nudge to value our own families and the support they provide.

Quotes 5

A Head Full of Ghosts scared the living hell out of me, and I'm pretty hard to scare.

Stephen KingStephen King - Horror Fiction Author

A Head Full of Ghosts doesn't just frighten, but also leaves us disturbed.

Gillian FlynnGillian Flynn - Thriller Novelist

This book is a chilling, haunting tale. It's one of the best horror stories I've read in a long time.

Emily St. John MandelEmily St. John Mandel - Post-Apocalyptic Author

A Head Full of Ghosts throws every door wide open, making the reader wonder if anything is off-limits... it had me checking the locks and turning on all the lights.

Joe HillJoe Hill - Horror Fiction Writer

A Head Full of Ghosts is a terrifying tale told with agility and grace. I couldn't put it down.

Carmen Maria MachadoCarmen Maria Machado - Short Story Writer
Stephen KingGillian FlynnEmily St. John MandelJoe HillCarmen Maria Machado



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