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A Fine Balance

603 pages, 2001



1382 books

With a compassionate realism and narrative sweep that recalls the work of Charles Dickens, this magnificent novel captures all the cruelty and corruption, dignity, and heroism, of India.  A Fine Balance, by Rohinton Mistry, is set in 1975 during the State of Emergency imposed on India by then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.  The time is 1975. The place is an unnamed city by the sea.

 The government has just declared the State of Emergency, in whose upheavals four strangers—a spirited widow, a young student uprooted from his idyllic hill station, and two tailors who have fled the caste violence of their native village—will be thrust together, forced to share one cramped apartment and an uncertain future. As the characters move from distrust to friendship and from friendship to love, A Fine Balance creates an enduring panorama of the human spirit in an inhuman state. "

The Power of Resilience

A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry shows us the incredible resilience of the human spirit. Despite the harsh realities of life, the characters in the book find ways to endure and even find moments of joy. It's a reminder that no matter what life throws at us, we can always find a way to keep going.

The Impact of Political Turmoil

The book gives us a glimpse into the political turmoil in India during the 1970s. It shows how political decisions can drastically affect the lives of ordinary people. It's a call to stay informed and involved in the political process, as it can have a direct impact on our lives.

The Importance of Friendship

In A Fine Balance, the characters form unlikely friendships that help them navigate through life's challenges. These relationships provide comfort, support, and even a sense of family. It's a reminder to cherish our friendships, as they can be a source of strength during tough times.

The Reality of Social Injustice

Rohinton Mistry doesn't shy away from exploring the harsh realities of social injustice in India. From caste discrimination to gender inequality, the book encourages us to look into these issues and advocate for change.

The Value of Hope

Despite the hardships faced by the characters in A Fine Balance, they never lose hope. This sense of hope is what keeps them going, even in the face of adversity. It's a powerful message about the importance of maintaining hope, no matter how bleak things may seem.

Quotes 5

A Fine Balance has left an indelible and profound mark on me. It's a book that really penetrates the human spirit.

Oprah WinfreyOprah Winfrey - TV host, Philanthropist

A Fine Balance is a stunning tapestry of human endurance in the face of unrelenting despair. Mistry's writing is a triumph.

Salman RushdieSalman Rushdie - Novelist, Essayist

A Fine Balance is a compelling narrative, a story of life and death that explores the very soul of humanity.

Margaret AtwoodMargaret Atwood - Poet, Novelist

A Fine Balance is a masterpiece, a work of art that explores the complexities of the human condition with grace and empathy.

Jhumpa LahiriJhumpa Lahiri - Author, Educator

A Fine Balance is a profound exploration of the human spirit, a testament to the resilience and enduring hope of the human heart.

Kiran DesaiKiran Desai - Novelist, Writer
Oprah WinfreySalman RushdieMargaret AtwoodJhumpa LahiriKiran Desai


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