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120 Days of Sodom

376 pages, 2009



1382 books
The 120 Days of Sodom is a book written by Marquis de Sade while he was imprisoned in the Bastille. He wept blood over the loss of the manuscript and he sent copies to many philosophers and scholars for review. This book has inspired much controversy among literary critics since its existence was revealed in 1839.
Exploration of Human Nature

Marquis de Sade's 120 Days of Sodom takes a deep look into the darkest corners of human nature. It's a challenging read, but it forces us to confront and question our own moral boundaries and the limits of what we consider acceptable.

The Power of Desire

The book delves into the concept of desire, its power, and how it can lead individuals to commit unthinkable acts. It's a stark reminder of the potential destructiveness of unchecked desires.

The Role of Society

120 Days of Sodom also explores the role society plays in shaping our behaviors and desires. It's a fascinating look into how societal norms and expectations can influence us, often in ways we don't even realize.

The Nature of Freedom

Marquis de Sade challenges our understanding of freedom. He suggests that true freedom might involve the ability to act on our most primal desires without restriction, a concept that is both intriguing and disturbing.

The Limits of Morality

Finally, the book forces us to question the limits of morality. It's a thought-provoking read that will make you question your own moral compass and the societal norms that shape it.


James Franco

James Franco
