
Richard Hine


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Richard Hine is a novelist, short story writer, ghostwriter and five-time finalist (two-time winner) in the New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest. His de él @realDonalDrumpf Twitter account has been named one of the best Trump parodies by Time Magazine, Wired, Mashable, Flavorwire, Bustle.com and others.

His satirical novella Kim Kardashian Saves the World (After President Trump Nearly Ends It) became a #1 Kindle Political Humor Bestseller in the US and Canada during the 2016 election season. One 5-star Amazon reviewer wrote: "This is the funniest book on the market, an absolute SCREAM!"

His debut novel Russell Wiley Is Out to Lunch (Lake Union Publishing, 2010) was described by Paul Steiger, Editor-in-Chief, ProPublica.org as: “a rollicking satire about the slitherings of corporate snakes and the gambits of conjob consultants in the desperate world of modern media.” Booklist called it “briskly written entertainment.” 

Publishers Weekly said: "This wry contemporary comedy — one part Glengarry Glen Ross and two parts Sophie Kinsella — will make readers cheer.... a winner in every way.” His short fiction has appeared in London Magazine, Brooklyn Review and many more literary publications.

Best author’s book


Russell Wiley Is Out to Lunch

Balaji S. Srinivasan