Discover the Best Books Written by George Land
George is an urban product, having lived in a number of major cities on several continents, with his home base in New Orleans. His “Auntie Mame” mother, conservationist, champion hunter, and published author and poet infected George with an obsession with the practice and meaning of creativity. The combination of their very diverse backgrounds generated unique queries that exposed startling new questions and unexpected new answers.
George Land’s first book was “Grow or Die: the Unifying Principle of Transformation” Published by Random House. It was selected by Random House as its nominee for the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award and also selected as a “Book of the Month Club”. It revealed a common pattern of growth and change that happened throughout nature, including humans.
Dr. Margaret Mead, well-known anthropologist and recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, commented on the book: “I have read your manuscript very carefully, and I find it a magnificent synthesis and one that deals with the question of cultural change in evolutionary terms more effectively than any other synthesis I have seen.”
In 1985 George joined Dr. Beth Jarman’s firm, Leadership 2000. Beth and George began a collaboration of creative practice and research that resulted in another breakthrough book. Published by Harper, it uncovered the natural change patterns of organizations, “Breakpoint and Beyond.” The National columnist and Author Harvey McKay, author of Swim with the Sharks without Being Eaten Alive said of Breakpoint: “This is one of the most intelligent, thought-provoking and genuinely original books I’ve read this or any other year. I can’t recommend Jarman and Land’s book enough to my friends and associates. This is one of those books that should be on every leader’s bookshelf.”
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