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Zero Limits

256 pages, 2007


The heart of humanity is language, and the greatest novel in years is a celebration of this truth by one of our finest writers. Jeffrey Lockhart’s billionaire father, Ross, is dying; his younger wife, Artis Martineau, is also on her deathbed. 

The two are spending their last days at a secret compound where bodies are preserved until a future time when biomedical advances and new technologies can return them to life—a kind of afterlife in which there is no death.

 It’s an uncertain farewell for Jeffrey as he visits his dying father and his ailing stepmother: “We are born without choosing to be; should we have to die in the same manner? Isn’t it a human glory to refuse to accept a certain fate?”

The Power of Self-Identity

In Zero Limits, Joseph Vitale introduces us to the concept of 'Self I-Dentity Ho'oponopono'. This is a Hawaiian healing system that encourages us to take full responsibility for our lives and actions. It's about recognizing that we have the power to change our reality by changing our thoughts and beliefs.

The Four-Phrase Mantra

Vitale shares a simple yet powerful mantra in the book: 'I love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you'. This mantra is a tool to cleanse our minds and hearts from negative thoughts and emotions. It's a way to express love, apologize, ask for forgiveness, and express gratitude, all at once.

The Importance of Responsibility

One of the key messages in Zero Limits is the importance of taking responsibility for everything in our lives. Vitale suggests that we are the creators of our own reality, and everything we experience is a result of our thoughts and actions. So, if we want to change our lives, we need to take responsibility and start making changes.

The Power of Forgiveness

In Zero Limits, Vitale emphasizes the power of forgiveness. He believes that by forgiving ourselves and others, we can let go of negative emotions and thoughts that hold us back. This can lead to a more peaceful and fulfilling life.

The Concept of Zero State

Vitale introduces the concept of 'Zero State' in the book. This is a state of mind where there are no limits, no memories, and no identities. It's a state of pure freedom and peace. Vitale suggests that by reaching this state, we can experience true happiness and fulfillment.

Quotes 5

Zero Limits is a life-altering exploration into the limitless human potential. It's a compelling and transformative breakthrough that takes personal responsibility to the next level.

Jack CanfieldJack Canfield - Motivational Speaker

Zero Limits is Vitale's adventure into the most captivating, profound, and powerful healing method in the world.

James Arthur RayJames Arthur Ray - Self-help Author

Zero Limits is the key to unlocking the door to the Divine within us. It's a journey of self-discovery, personal responsibility, and infinite potential.

Dr. Ihaleakala Hew LenDr. Ihaleakala Hew Len - Hooponopono Teacher

Zero Limits is a must-read for anyone seeking to transcend their perceived limitations and tap into their infinite potential. It's a game-changer.

Bob ProctorBob Proctor - Success Coach

Zero Limits is a pathway to limitless abundance, peace, and life mastery. It's a guide to unlocking the miracles within us.

Dr. Joe VitaleDr. Joe Vitale - Author, Speaker
Jack CanfieldJames Arthur RayDr. Ihaleakala Hew LenBob ProctorDr. Joe Vitale


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