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Zen Mind, Zen Horse
320 pages, 2011
Here are the life and teachings of Awa Kenzo (1880-1939), master of both Zen and kyudo (archery). A cult classic was written about him in 1953--Zen in the Art of Archery--has made him well-known worldwide. Numerous books have been published about him since then, including his wise and penetrating instructions for practice (and life)--including aphorisms, poetry, instructional lists, and calligraphy. These works are infused with the spirit of Zen.
Allan J. Hamilton explores the concept of mindfulness in Zen Mind, Zen Horse. He suggests that by being present and fully engaged in the moment, we can achieve a deeper connection with our horses and ourselves. This can lead to improved communication, better understanding, and a more fulfilling relationship.
Hamilton digs into the psychology of horses, explaining their behavior and how it can teach us about our own. He believes that by understanding our horses, we can learn to be more patient, compassionate, and empathetic. This can help us not only in our interactions with horses, but also in our daily lives.
In Zen Mind, Zen Horse, the author emphasizes the importance of non-verbal communication. Horses, he says, are masters of this form of communication. By observing and learning from them, we can improve our own non-verbal communication skills, leading to better relationships and interactions with others.
Hamilton encourages readers to explore the concept of energy and emotion in their interactions with horses. He suggests that by controlling our energy and emotions, we can influence our horses in a positive way. This can lead to a stronger bond and a more harmonious relationship.
The book also delves into the therapeutic benefits of interacting with horses. Hamilton shares research that shows how horses can help us heal, both physically and emotionally. So, if you're looking for a way to reduce stress, improve your mental health, or just find a sense of peace, you might want to check out Zen Mind, Zen Horse.
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