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Your Marketing Sucks

240 pages, 2003


Stop throwing your money away on advertising, PR, and direct mail, and start spending it on marketing that works. Cut through the myths about marketing and discover how to grow your revenue, profit, and valuation.

 Fire your agency if it even thinks about applying for a Clio or other creative award – if you want marketing that works as hard as you do, you need a company that shares your values. 

Implement the marketing moratorium and stop all marketing until you know how each component of your program justifies itself in dollars and cents.

Marketing is an Investment

In 'Your Marketing Sucks', Mark Stevens emphasizes that marketing should be seen as an investment, not an expense. He encourages readers to look into their marketing strategies and see if they're really generating a return on investment. If not, it's time to rethink your approach.

Focus on Sales

Stevens makes it clear that the ultimate goal of any marketing strategy should be to increase sales. If your marketing efforts aren't directly contributing to sales growth, then you need to check your strategy and make necessary adjustments.

The Importance of Tracking

One of the key takeaways from 'Your Marketing Sucks' is the importance of tracking your marketing efforts. Stevens suggests that you need to research and find out what's working and what's not. This will help you optimize your marketing strategy and get the most out of your investment.

Innovation is Key

Stevens encourages readers to be innovative in their marketing strategies. He believes that sticking to the same old tactics won't get you far. So, it's time to dig into your creative side and come up with new and exciting ways to market your business.

Customer Retention

In his book, Stevens highlights the importance of customer retention. He suggests that it's not just about attracting new customers, but also about keeping the existing ones happy. So, take a look at your customer service strategies and see if they're up to the mark.


authorSeth Godin, educator and marketer and media personality and author, Recommending BestBooks

Seth Godin

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