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Your Body In Balance
352 pages, 2020
This book explains the shocking new science of how hormones are wreaking havoc on the body and the delicious solution that improves health, reduces pain, and even helps to shed weight. Hidden in everyday foods are causes of a surprising range of health problems: infertility, menstrual cramps, weight gain, hair loss, breast and prostate cancer—and more.
These conditions have one thing in common: they are fueled by hormones that are hiding in foods or are influenced by the foods we eat. Your Body in Balance provides step-by-step guidance for understanding what's at the root of your suffering and what you can do to feel better fast.
Few people realize that a simple food prescription can help you tackle all these—and more—with benefits rivaling medications. Neal Barnard, MD (who has written several bestselling books), offers insight into how dietary changes can alleviate years of stress and pain.
In 'Your Body In Balance', Neal D. Barnard explores the idea that the food we eat has a significant impact on our health. He suggests that by making changes to our diet, we can improve our overall well-being and even prevent or reverse certain diseases.
Barnard digs into the science behind how our diet affects our hormones. He explains that by eating the right foods, we can keep our hormones in balance, which can help with everything from weight loss to mood regulation.
One of the key points in 'Your Body In Balance' is the importance of a plant-based diet. Barnard provides compelling research to show that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes can help us maintain a healthy body.
This book isn't just about theory. Barnard also provides practical advice and tips on how to implement these dietary changes in your life. He includes meal plans, recipes, and other useful resources to help you on your journey to better health.
Barnard takes a deep look into the connection between our diet and chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. He argues that by changing our diet, we can significantly reduce our risk of these diseases.