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Year of Yes
352 pages, 2016
Shonda Rhimes has created some of television's most groundbreaking and audacious shows. She's the creator and executive producer of Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder.
Her iconic characters—Meredith Grey, Cristina Yang, Olivia Pope, and Annalise Keating—live boldly and speak their minds. Before her Year of Yes, she was an expert at declining invitations others would leap to accept.
Scared of making a fool of herself in front of important people; afraid of live television appearances where she might fall and bleed out right there in front of a studio audience; terrified of the difficult conversations that came so easily to her characters on-screen
. Before this one Thanksgiving, Shonda Rhimes had been hiding from those fears by burying herself in work, snuggling her children, and comforting herself with food. But then her sister said something that both woke her up and pushed her forward: You never say yes to anything. The comment sat like a grenade until it detonated. Then Shonda Rhimes knew she had to embrace the challenge: for one year, she would say YES to everything that scared her.
In the book Year of Yes, Shonda Rhimes challenges herself to say 'yes' to everything for a year. This doesn't just mean agreeing to every opportunity that comes her way, but also embracing the things that scare her. It's a powerful reminder that stepping out of our comfort zones can lead to amazing growth.
Shonda Rhimes encourages us to embrace our inner badass. She shows us that it's okay to be ambitious, to want more, and to not settle for less. She's a successful woman in a tough industry, and she's not afraid to own it. So why should we be?
While the book is called Year of Yes, Shonda Rhimes also explores the power of saying 'no'. She finds that sometimes, saying 'no' to others means saying 'yes' to yourself. It's about setting boundaries and prioritizing your own needs.
Shonda Rhimes talks openly about her struggles with body image and weight. She encourages us to love our bodies as they are, not as society tells us they should be. It's a powerful message of self-love and acceptance.
In Year of Yes, Shonda Rhimes digs into the struggle of balancing a demanding career with personal life. She shows us that it's not only possible, but necessary to find a balance that works for you. It's a great lesson for anyone feeling overwhelmed by the juggling act of life.
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Shonda Rhimes' Year of Yes is a book that will inspire you to embrace the challenges and changes in your life.

Year of Yes is a powerful testament to the transformative power of authenticity and courage.

Shonda Rhimes' Year of Yes is a compelling exploration of the power of saying yes to life.

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