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Why America Is Not a New Rome
240 pages, 2014
The America-Rome analogy is more complex than the facile comparisons made on talk shows and in glossy magazine articles. America's post–Cold War strategic dominance, as well as its prerecession affluence, inspired pundits to make celebratory comparisons to ancient Rome at its most powerful.
Now, with America no longer perceived as invulnerable and engaged in protracted fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, suffering the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression—with comparisons being drawn to the bloated, decadent, and ineffective later Empire—Vaclav Smil looks at these comparisons in detail and finds profound differences between our time and that period.
Vaclav Smil explores the differences between America and Rome, debunking the popular belief that America is the 'New Rome'. He digs into the historical, cultural, demographic, and economic aspects to show how different these two entities are.
Smil takes a look at the role of military power in both societies. He finds that while Rome relied heavily on its military might for expansion and control, America's power is more rooted in its economic strength and technological advancements.
The book delves into the influence of religion in both societies. Smil points out that while Rome was polytheistic and religion was intertwined with the state, America is predominantly Christian with a clear separation of church and state.
Smil's research shows that Rome's population was concentrated in its capital, while America's population is spread across numerous urban centers. Economically, Rome relied on slave labor and conquests, while America's economy is based on free labor and innovation.
In the end, Smil suggests that America's future will not mirror the fall of Rome. Instead, he sees America's challenges as unique to its own history and circumstances. This book encourages us to look at America's future through a more nuanced and informed lens.
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