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Who Rules The World?
336 pages, 2017
In a new afterward, Noam Chomsky examines the 2016 election of Donald Trump and what it shows about American society. Drawing on a wide range of examples, from the sordid history of U. S. involvement with Cuba to the sanctions on Iran, Chomsky details how America's rhetoric of freedom and human rights so often diverges from its actions.
He delves deep into Iraq, Afghanistan, and Israel-Palestine. And in an incisive analysis of the current international situation, he demonstrates that despite the rise of Europe and Asia, the United States still largely sets the terms of global discourse.
In 'Who Rules The World?', Noam Chomsky takes a deep look into the power dynamics that shape global politics. He argues that the United States, despite its democratic facade, often behaves like an empire, imposing its will on other nations. This is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the true nature of international relations.
Chomsky explores the role of media in shaping public opinion. He suggests that media often serves the interests of those in power, rather than providing unbiased information. If you're curious about the influence of media on your perceptions, this book will give you a lot to think about.
Chomsky digs into the impact of American foreign policy on the rest of the world. He argues that the U.S. often disregards international law and human rights in pursuit of its own interests. This book will make you see global politics in a new light.
One of the key messages in 'Who Rules The World?' is the importance of critical thinking. Chomsky encourages readers to question the information they receive and to seek out different perspectives. This book will inspire you to become a more informed and critical thinker.
Chomsky also looks into the future of global power. He suggests that the world is moving towards a multipolar system, with emerging powers like China and India challenging the dominance of the U.S. If you're interested in the future of international relations, you'll find this book fascinating.
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