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608 pages, 2023


Bret Easton Ellis's first work of nonfiction, White, is a critique of contemporary culture. It is already the bad boy of American literature from Less Than Zero to American Psycho. He has earned the wrath of right-thinking people everywhere with his provocations on social media, and here he escalates his admonishment of received truths as expressed by today's version of the left.

 Eschewing convention, he embraces views that will make many in literary and media communities cringe, as he takes aim at the relentless anti-Trump fixation, coastal elites, corporate censorship, Hollywood, identity politics, Generation Wuss, woke cultural watchdogs and the obfuscation of ideals once both cherished and clear.

Exploring the Freedom of Speech

In 'White', Bret Easton Ellis emphasizes the importance of freedom of speech. He encourages readers to express their thoughts and opinions without fear of judgment or backlash. This is a key takeaway for anyone who feels their voice is being suppressed.

Understanding the Impact of Social Media

Ellis takes a deep look into the role of social media in our lives. He suggests that while it can be a powerful tool, it can also be a source of misinformation and manipulation. This book encourages readers to be more mindful of their social media use.

The Influence of Pop Culture

Bret Easton Ellis explores the influence of pop culture on society in 'White'. He discusses how it shapes our perceptions and beliefs. This is a great takeaway for those interested in understanding the impact of pop culture on their own lives.

Critique of Political Correctness

In 'White', Ellis criticizes the concept of political correctness. He believes it stifles creativity and individuality. This is a thought-provoking takeaway for anyone who feels constrained by societal norms and expectations.

Reflection on Personal Experiences

Ellis shares his personal experiences and reflections throughout 'White'. He provides insights into his life as a writer and his views on various societal issues. This encourages readers to reflect on their own experiences and perspectives.

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Bret Easton Ellis is a personal hero and someone I consider a friend. His book 'White' is a must-read.

Kanye WestKanye West - Rapper, Fashion Designer

Bret Easton Ellis is a fearless explorer of the dark recesses of the human psyche. 'White' is a riveting read.

Camille PagliaCamille Paglia - Feminist Academic, Author

Bret Easton Ellis pushes boundaries and buttons with 'White'. It's a book that will make you think.

Chuck PalahniukChuck Palahniuk - Novelist, Journalist
Kanye WestCamille PagliaChuck Palahniuk


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Keith Rabois

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