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304 pages, 2019


In a deeply affecting work, physician Sandro Galea examines what Americans miss when they fixate on health insurance: health. 

Americans spend more money on health than people anywhere else in the world. And what do they get for it? Statistically, not much. 

Americans today live shorter, less healthy lives than citizens of other rich countries, and these trends show no signs of letting up.

Understanding Health Beyond Medicine

In 'Wellwritten', Sandro Galea encourages us to explore a broader perspective of health. He argues that health isn't just about medicine, but also about the social, economic, and political systems that shape our lives. It's a fresh take that will make you rethink your understanding of health.

The Role of Cities in Health

Galea digs into the role of cities in our health. He suggests that the design and infrastructure of our cities can significantly impact our well-being. If you're interested in urban planning or public health, you'll find this part of the book particularly fascinating.

The Importance of Data in Health

Sandro Galea emphasizes the importance of data in understanding and improving health. He shows how data can reveal patterns and trends that can guide public health interventions. If you're a data geek, you'll love how Galea uses data to shed light on health issues.

Health Inequality

In 'Wellwritten', Galea takes a hard look at health inequality. He shows how factors like race, income, and education can create health disparities. It's a sobering look at a serious issue, but Galea also offers ideas for how we can work towards more equitable health outcomes.

The Future of Health

What does the future of health look like? Galea offers his vision in 'Wellwritten'. He sees a future where we prioritize prevention over treatment and where we address the social determinants of health. It's an inspiring vision that will make you want to be part of the change.


authorArianna Huffington, entrepreneur and journalist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Arianna Huffington


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