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Wealth and Poverty

256 pages, 2012


Now in its updated and expanded edition, this New York Times bestseller is hailed as "the guide to capitalism" and has sold more than 1,000,000 copies since first being released in 1981.

 In this influential classic, George F. Gilder explains and makes the case for supply-side economics, proves the moral superiority of free-market capitalism, and shows why supply-side economics are more effective at decreasing poverty than government-regulated markets.

 He also compares America's current economic challenges with her past economic problems--particularly those of the late 1970s--and explains why Obama's big-government, redistributive policies are doing more harm than good for the poor.

The Power of Capitalism

In Wealth and Poverty, George Gilder explores the idea that capitalism is the most effective economic system for generating wealth. He argues that it encourages innovation, rewards hard work, and promotes economic growth. So, if you're interested in understanding how wealth is created, this book is a must-read.

The Role of Entrepreneurs

Gilder sees entrepreneurs as the key drivers of economic growth. He believes that their creativity and risk-taking are what propel society forward. If you're an entrepreneur or aspire to be one, you'll find his insights on the importance of entrepreneurship in wealth creation very enlightening.

The Importance of Supply-Side Economics

Gilder is a strong advocate for supply-side economics. He argues that reducing taxes and regulations on businesses can stimulate economic growth. If you're curious about different economic theories, you'll want to check out his arguments in favor of supply-side economics.

The Dangers of Welfare

He also discusses the potential pitfalls of welfare systems. Gilder suggests that welfare can discourage work and create dependency, which can ultimately lead to poverty. If you're interested in social policy and its impact on wealth and poverty, you'll want to see what he has to say.

The Influence of Morality on Wealth

Lastly, Gilder explores the relationship between morality and wealth. He believes that a strong moral framework is essential for a prosperous society. If you're intrigued by the intersection of ethics and economics, you'll find his perspective thought-provoking.

Quotes 4

Wealth and Poverty offers a new understanding of the most crucial economic problems. Each page brings the shock of the new, the excitement of discovery.

Ronald ReaganRonald Reagan - 40th U.S. President

Wealth and Poverty is a real contribution, a provocative 'must read' for every person concerned about public policy.

Milton FriedmanMilton Friedman - Economist, Statistician

George Gilder's Wealth and Poverty is a tour-de-force that helped redirect the Reagan Revolution with its advocacy of supply-side economics.

Steve ForbesSteve Forbes - Publishing Executive

Wealth and Poverty is a powerful book that has much to offer policy makers and those who shape public opinion.

Thomas SowellThomas Sowell - Economist, Social Theorist
Ronald ReaganMilton FriedmanSteve ForbesThomas Sowell

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