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We Are Not Ourselves

656 pages, 2015


We Are Not Ourselves is a multigenerational portrait of the Leary family, whose members are Irish immigrants. The book begins with Eileen Tumulty, who was raised in Woodside, Queens. Her father and mother were Irish immigrants, and her childhood was considered typical for a working-class family. 

When she got older, she met Ed Leary, a scientist, who didn't share the characteristics of most men that she had grown up around. She fell in love with him, and they got married; however, it became clear that Ed didn't aspire to the same things Eileen wanted for him: a better job, better friends, and better houses. As time went on, it seemed like Ed suffered from some sort of psychological shift that caused him to become more reluctant to want bigger things in life.

The American Dream

Matthew Thomas explores the concept of the American Dream in 'We Are Not Ourselves'. He shows us that the pursuit of this dream can sometimes lead to disappointment and unfulfilled expectations. It's a great reminder to check our own dreams and aspirations, and to understand that success is not always defined by material wealth.

Dealing with Illness

One of the key themes in 'We Are Not Ourselves' is dealing with illness. Thomas beautifully portrays the struggles and challenges faced by a family when one member is diagnosed with Alzheimer's. It's a heart-wrenching look into the realities of this disease, and it might inspire you to research more about Alzheimer's and how it affects families.

The Power of Resilience

In 'We Are Not Ourselves', the main character Eileen shows us the power of resilience in the face of adversity. Despite the hardships she faces, she never gives up. This book will inspire you to find your own inner strength and resilience, even when life gets tough.

The Complexity of Relationships

Thomas does an amazing job of exploring the complexities of relationships in 'We Are Not Ourselves'. He shows us that relationships can be messy and complicated, but also beautiful and rewarding. It's a great book to read if you want to dig deeper into the dynamics of family and romantic relationships.

The Importance of Identity

The title 'We Are Not Ourselves' suggests the importance of identity in the book. Thomas explores how our identities are shaped by our dreams, our relationships, and our circumstances. It's a thought-provoking read that will make you reflect on your own identity and what shapes it.

Quotes 3

A powerfully moving tale, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Matthew Thomas's We Are Not Ourselves is a triumph.

John IrvingJohn Irving - Novelist, Screenwriter

We Are Not Ourselves is a grand, intimate portrayal of three generations. It's a novel of epic scope, beautifully written.

Marilynne RobinsonMarilynne Robinson - Novelist, Essayist

We Are Not Ourselves is a stunning debut novel. Matthew Thomas writes with a rare precision and insight that bring life to his characters.

Alice McDermottAlice McDermott - Novelist, Professor
John IrvingMarilynne RobinsonAlice McDermott
