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Washington's War on Nicaragua
480 pages, 1999
In his account of U. S. policy, Sklar demolishes the official versions of events and shows how the White House sabotaged peace negotiations and sustained the deadly contra war despite public opposition, with secret U. S. special forces, and an auxiliary arm of dictators, drug smugglers, and death squad godfathers.
Holly Sklar's book, Washington's War on Nicaragua, provides a deep insight into the U.S. government's involvement in Nicaragua's political affairs. It's a great read if you want to explore the historical context of U.S. foreign policy.
Sklar's research shows the devastating effects of the war on Nicaragua's economy and society. The book encourages readers to look into the human cost of political conflicts.
Washington's War on Nicaragua highlights the role of propaganda in shaping public opinion. Sklar shows how misinformation can lead to disastrous consequences. It's a must-read if you're interested in media influence on politics.
Sklar emphasizes the importance of understanding historical context when analyzing current events. By reading Washington's War on Nicaragua, you'll see how past events shape the present and future.
The book offers a complex view of international relations, showing that there's more than meets the eye. Sklar encourages readers to dig deeper into global politics to understand the intricate dynamics at play.
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