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War is a Racket

42 pages, 2018


Widely appreciated and referenced by left- and right-wingers alike, War If a Racket is General Smedley Butler’s frank speech describing his role as a soldier as nothing more than serving as a puppet for big-business interests.

 In addition to photos from the notorious 1932 anti-war book The Horror of It by Frederick A. Barber, this book includes two never-before-published anti-interventionist essays by General Butler. The introduction discusses why General Butler went against the corporate war machine and how he exposed a fascist coup d’etat plot against President Franklin Roosevelt.

War is Profitable for a Few

Smedley D. Butler reveals that war is a money-making machine for a select few. He argues that those who profit the most are rarely the ones who fight. It's a shocking revelation that will make you question the motives behind global conflicts.

The True Cost of War

Butler doesn't shy away from exposing the true cost of war. He shows that it's not just about the financial burden, but also the human cost. The book will make you see the devastating impact of war on soldiers and civilians alike.

The Role of Propaganda

The book explores how propaganda is used to manipulate public opinion and justify war. Butler explains how governments and corporations use media to create an enemy image and rally support for war. It's a fascinating look into the power of persuasion.

The Military-Industrial Complex

Butler digs into the military-industrial complex, explaining how it works and who benefits from it. He shows how industries and governments are intertwined in a system that profits from war. It's a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the politics of war.

The Need for Peace

Despite the grim realities he exposes, Butler ends on a hopeful note, advocating for peace. He believes that war can be avoided and suggests ways to achieve this. If you're looking for inspiration to make a positive change in the world, this book is a great place to start.


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