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Virtually Normal

240 pages, 1996


No subject has divided contemporary America more bitterly than homosexuality. Addressing the full range of the debate in this pathbreaking book, Andrew Sullivan, the former editor of The New Republic, restores both reason and humanity to the discussion over how a predominantly heterosexual society should deal with its homosexual citizens.

Sympathetically yet relentlessly, Sullivan assesses the prevailing public positions on homosexuality--from prohibitionist to liberationist and from conservative to liberal. In their place, he calls for a politics of homosexuality that would guarantee the rights of gays and lesbians without imposing tolerance.

At once deeply personal and impeccably reasoned, written with elegance and wit, Virtually Normal will challenge readers of every persuasion; no book is more likely to transform sexual politics in the coming decades.

Understanding Homosexuality

In Virtually Normal, Andrew Sullivan explores the complexities of homosexuality. He encourages readers to look beyond stereotypes and prejudices, and instead, understand homosexuality as a normal aspect of human diversity.

The Politics of Homosexuality

Sullivan digs into the politics surrounding homosexuality. He discusses how laws and societal norms have often been used to marginalize and discriminate against homosexuals, and how these can be challenged and changed.

The Role of Religion

The book also takes a look at the role of religion in shaping attitudes towards homosexuality. Sullivan, being a Catholic himself, provides a unique perspective on how religious beliefs can coexist with acceptance of homosexuality.

The Importance of Dialogue

Sullivan emphasizes the importance of open dialogue about homosexuality. He believes that through conversation and understanding, society can move towards acceptance and equality.

Personal Experiences

Virtually Normal is not just a research-based book. Sullivan shares his own experiences as a gay man, providing a personal and relatable perspective on the issues discussed. This makes the book a compelling read for anyone looking to understand homosexuality on a deeper level.


authorDan Savage

Dan Savage


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