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528 pages, 1973


In the history of Venetian scholarship, no historian has succeeded in giving us a comprehensive, thoughtful, readable, beautifully illustrated general history of Venice from the origins to the beginning of decline. Until now.

Understanding Venice's Unique History

Frederic C. Lane takes us on a journey through time, exploring the unique history of Venice. From its humble beginnings as a lagoon city to its rise as a major maritime power, you'll get a deep understanding of how Venice became the city we know today.

Venice's Economic Success

Lane digs into the economic strategies that made Venice a powerhouse in the Middle Ages. He explains how the city's strategic location and innovative trade practices led to its economic success. It's a fascinating look into the economic history of Venice.

Political Structure of Venice

The book also explores the unique political structure of Venice. Lane explains how the city managed to maintain its independence for centuries, despite being surrounded by powerful neighbors. You'll see how Venice's political system contributed to its stability and prosperity.

Cultural and Artistic Influence of Venice

Lane also takes a look at the cultural and artistic influence of Venice. From its architecture to its contributions to literature and art, you'll find out how Venice left its mark on the world. It's a great way to understand the cultural significance of this city.

Venice's Legacy

Finally, Lane discusses the legacy of Venice. Despite its decline in the modern era, Venice's influence can still be seen in various aspects of our lives today. From its impact on trade and commerce to its contributions to art and culture, Venice's legacy is truly enduring.


authorStewart Brand

Stewart Brand


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