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Tools and Weapons

368 pages, 2019


From Microsoft's president and one of the tech industry's most respected thinkers, Brad Smith, comes a clearheaded view of how to navigate the digital future, in this timely book examining how rapid technological change is both empowering and threatening us. 

As Microsoft President and one of the tech industry's broadest thinkers, Smith has operated by the simple core belief that when your technology changes the world, you bear a responsibility to help address the world you have helped create. From privacy to cyberattacks, Smith tells his own story and offers a useful guide for how to navigate the digital future.

The Power of Technology

In Tools and Weapons, Brad Smith explores the immense power of technology. He shows how it can be a tool for progress, but also a weapon that can cause harm. It's a reminder that we need to use technology responsibly and ethically.

The Role of Government

Smith emphasizes the importance of government regulation in the tech industry. He believes that governments should play a more active role in setting rules and standards to prevent misuse of technology. It's a call to action for policymakers to step up and take responsibility.

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence

The book takes a deep look into the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Smith highlights the potential of AI to transform our lives, but also warns about the risks it poses. He encourages us to be mindful of the ethical implications of AI.

The Importance of Privacy

Privacy is a major theme in Tools and Weapons. Smith argues that in the digital age, our personal data is more vulnerable than ever. He urges us to take privacy seriously and to demand better protection from tech companies.

The Need for Digital Inclusion

Smith stresses the need for digital inclusion. He believes that everyone should have access to the benefits of technology, regardless of their background or circumstances. The book encourages us to work towards a more inclusive digital world.

Quotes 5

A clear, compelling guide to some of the most pressing debates in technology today.

Bill GatesBill Gates - Microsoft Co-Founder

Brad Smith's 'Tools and Weapons' vividly illustrates the impact technology can have on our society.

Satya NadellaSatya Nadella - Microsoft CEO

This book offers a roadmap for how we can make the most of technology, while also protecting our values.

Carol Ann BrowneCarol Ann Browne - Microsoft Senior Director

'Tools and Weapons' tackles some of the world's toughest tech issues with clarity and insight.

Walter IsaacsonWalter Isaacson - Biographer, Journalist

This book is a thought-provoking exploration of the complex impact technology has on society.

Reid HoffmanReid Hoffman - LinkedIn Co-Founder
Bill GatesSatya NadellaCarol Ann BrowneWalter IsaacsonReid Hoffman


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authorReid Hoffman, entrepreneur and technology and venture capitalist and author, Recommending BestBooks

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