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To Conquer the Air

462 pages, 2004


James Tobin has written a book about the contest between the Wright brothers and Samuel Langley to create the first manned flying machine. The Wright brothers, who were supported only by their exceptional family, had been experimenting with flight for years before anyone took notice of their efforts. 

Meanwhile, Samuel Langley, who was armed with a contract from the US War Department and all the resources of the Smithsonian Institution, sought to achieve flight before anyone else. But while Langley saw flight as a problem of power—powerful engines and heavy machinery—the Wrights saw a problem of balance—a delicate equilibrium between weight and lift. Thus, their machines took two very different paths: Langley's toward oblivion; the Wrights' toward the heavens; though not before facing countless other obstacles along the way.

The Power of Persistence

In To Conquer the Air, James Tobin shows us the importance of persistence. The Wright brothers faced countless failures and setbacks, but they never gave up. Their determination led to the invention of the airplane, changing the world forever. So, if you're facing challenges, remember their story and keep going.

The Role of Competition

Tobin's book also highlights the role of competition in innovation. The Wright brothers were not the only ones trying to invent the airplane. They were in a race against other inventors, which pushed them to work harder and faster. This shows that a little competition can be a good thing, pushing us to achieve more.

The Importance of Research

To Conquer the Air is a great reminder of the importance of research. The Wright brothers spent years studying birds and experimenting with different designs. Their thorough research was key to their success. So, if you're working on a project, take the time to do your homework. It could make all the difference.

The Impact of Innovation

Tobin's book shows us the profound impact of innovation. The invention of the airplane revolutionized travel and opened up new possibilities for exploration and commerce. It's a reminder that one great idea can change the world. So, don't be afraid to think big and pursue your innovative ideas.

The Value of Teamwork

Finally, To Conquer the Air teaches us the value of teamwork. The Wright brothers worked together, combining their skills and knowledge to achieve their goal. They show us that when we collaborate with others, we can achieve great things. So, don't be afraid to seek help and work with others on your journey to success.


authorPaul Graham, entrepreneur and technology and venture capitalist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Paul Graham

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