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biographies & memoirs

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This volume is the continuation of the author's previous work, PIHKAL: A Chemical Love Story. Like its predecessors, it blends travelogue and botanical factoids with psychological and political commentary. 

The second volume focuses on the chemistry of tryptamines and contains a wealth of information presented in the same format as Book II of PIHKAL, plus appendices including cactus alkaloids, natural beta-carotenes, current drug law, and all known tryptamines (from the literature) that might be psychedelic.

Exploration of Psychedelics

In Tihkal, Alexander Shulgin invites us to explore the world of psychedelics. He shares his personal experiences and research, providing a unique insight into these substances. It's a fascinating journey that might change your perspective on psychedelics.

Chemistry and Consciousness

Shulgin's book is not just about psychedelics, it's also about the connection between chemistry and consciousness. He shows how these substances can alter our perception and understanding of reality. It's a thought-provoking read that will make you see the world in a different light.

Personal and Scientific Journey

Tihkal is a blend of personal memoir and scientific research. Shulgin shares his own experiences with psychedelics, but he also provides detailed chemical information about these substances. It's a unique mix that makes the book both engaging and informative.

Advocacy for Responsible Use

While Shulgin is a strong advocate for the exploration of psychedelics, he also emphasizes the importance of responsible use. He believes that these substances can have profound effects on our consciousness, but they should be used with care and respect.

Controversial and Thought-Provoking

Tihkal is a controversial book that challenges conventional views on psychedelics. It's a thought-provoking read that will make you question your own beliefs. Whether you agree with Shulgin or not, it's a book that will definitely make you think.


Hamilton Morris

Hamilton Morris

authorJames Fadiman

James Fadiman
