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The Wires of War

384 pages, 2021


After the 2016 election, Jacob Helberg led Google’s effort to fight disinformation and foreign interference. He found himself in the midst of a tech Cold War between democracy and autocracy. On the front end, we are fighting to control the software—applications, news information, and social media platforms—that we see on our screens. It started with Russia, but now includes China and Iran. Even more ominously, we are also engaged in a hidden battle over devices like cellular phones, satellites, fiber-optic cables, and 5G networks.

Understanding the Digital Battlefield

In The Wires of War, Jacob Helberg explores the concept of the internet as a new kind of battlefield. He shows how countries are using technology to wage wars in ways we've never seen before. It's a fascinating look into the future of warfare.

The Role of Big Tech

Helberg digs into the role of big tech companies in this new digital warfare. He reveals how these companies are not just bystanders, but active participants. It's a wake-up call for anyone who thinks of these companies as just providers of social media or search engines.

The Threat to Democracy

The book also explores the threat that digital warfare poses to democracy. Helberg shows how misinformation and cyber attacks can undermine democratic institutions. It's a sobering look at the potential dangers of the digital age.

The Need for Cybersecurity

One of the key takeaways from The Wires of War is the urgent need for better cybersecurity. Helberg makes it clear that we're not prepared for the kind of attacks that could come our way. He urges governments and businesses to take cybersecurity seriously.

The Future of Warfare

Finally, the book gives us a glimpse into the future of warfare. Helberg doesn't just describe the current state of digital warfare, he also predicts where it's headed. It's a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the future of conflict and how to prepare for it.


Keith Rabois, entrepreneur and technology and venture capitalist, Recommending BestBooks

Keith Rabois

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