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The Way of the Animal Powers

304 pages, 1983


Campbell's scholarly and readable text is integrated throughout with a profusion of color plates, specially commissioned full-color maps, outstanding black and white photographs, unique drawings, and numerous illuminating charts. 

Drawing on cultural and art history, as well as on anthropology, ethnology, archaeology, paleontology, and linguistics—as well as on mythology, comparative religion, history, and the study of man—THE WAY OF THE ANIMAL POWERS will be indispensable to all those interested in mythology, comparative religion, history, and the study of man.

Understanding the Power of Mythology

In The Way of the Animal Powers, Joseph Campbell explores the significance of mythology in human history. He shows us how myths have shaped societies and cultures, and how they continue to influence our lives today. So, if you're interested in understanding the power of stories and symbols, this book is a must-read.

Exploring the Connection between Humans and Animals

Campbell digs deep into the relationship between humans and animals in ancient cultures. He shows us how animals were seen as spiritual guides and symbols of power. This book will make you see the animal kingdom in a whole new light.

Discovering the Role of Rituals

The Way of the Animal Powers is not just about mythology, it's also about rituals. Campbell shows us how rituals were used to connect with the spiritual world and to mark important life events. If you're curious about the role of rituals in human history, you should definitely check out this book.

Learning about Ancient Cultures

Joseph Campbell takes us on a journey through time, exploring ancient cultures from around the world. He provides fascinating insights into their beliefs, practices, and ways of life. If you're a history buff or just love learning about different cultures, this book is for you.

Appreciating the Wisdom of Our Ancestors

Campbell's research in The Way of the Animal Powers helps us appreciate the wisdom of our ancestors. He shows us how their understanding of the world, though different from ours, was deeply insightful and meaningful. This book will inspire you to look into your own roots and find wisdom in the past.


Stanislav Grof, educator and scientist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Stanislav Grof


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