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The Unlikely Disciple

324 pages, 2010


High on morality and low on fun, Liberty University is a fundamentalist college in Lynchburg, Virginia. No drinking, no smoking, no cursing, and no dancing allowed! 

Kevin Roose wasn't used to rules like these. As an Ivy League sophomore at Brown University he spent his days fitting right in with Brown's free-thinking ultra-liberal student body. But when Roose leaves his Ivy League confines to spend a semester at Liberty University, a conservative Baptist school in Lynchburg, Virginia obedience is no longer optional. 

Liberty is the late Reverend Jerry Falwell's Bible Boot Camp for young evangelicals, his training ground for the next generation of America's Religious Right. Liberties ten thousand undergraduates take courses like Evangelism 101 and follow a forty-six-page code of conduct that regulates every aspect of their social lives

Understanding Different Perspectives

In The Unlikely Disciple, Kevin Roose takes us on a journey to explore a world that is completely different from his own. He shows us that it's possible to understand and respect different perspectives, even if we don't agree with them. This is a great lesson for anyone who wants to broaden their horizons and learn more about the world around them.

Challenging Preconceived Notions

Roose challenges his own preconceived notions about evangelical Christians. He finds that while there are certainly differences, there are also many similarities between his own beliefs and those of his peers at Liberty University. This book encourages readers to challenge their own biases and assumptions, and to look deeper into the beliefs of others.

The Power of Empathy

One of the key takeaways from The Unlikely Disciple is the power of empathy. Roose shows us that by putting ourselves in someone else's shoes, we can gain a deeper understanding of their experiences and perspectives. This is a powerful lesson for anyone looking to improve their relationships and interactions with others.

The Importance of Open-Mindedness

Throughout his journey, Roose demonstrates the importance of keeping an open mind. He goes into his experience at Liberty University with curiosity and a willingness to learn, which allows him to gain a deeper understanding of a culture that is very different from his own. This book encourages readers to approach new experiences with an open mind and a willingness to learn.

The Value of Personal Growth

In The Unlikely Disciple, Roose undergoes significant personal growth. He learns to challenge his own beliefs, to empathize with others, and to keep an open mind. This book shows readers the value of personal growth and encourages them to seek out opportunities for self-improvement.

Quotes 3

Kevin Roose's 'The Unlikely Disciple' is a profound and hilarious journey into a world of spiritual warriors. It's a true tale that reads like a great novel. I loved it.

A.J. JacobsA.J. Jacobs - Humorist, Journalist

Kevin Roose has the perfect blend of irreverence and earnestness to pull off this loving and deeply respectful portrait of Christian college life.

Hanna RosinHanna Rosin - Journalist, Author

Kevin Roose's 'The Unlikely Disciple' is a sharp, thoughtful, and hilarious book that should be read by anyone who understands that strong convictions and open-mindedness aren't mutually exclusive.

Tom PerrottaTom Perrotta - Novelist, Screenwriter
A.J. JacobsHanna RosinTom Perrotta


authorA.J. Jacobs, journalist and author, Recommending BestBooks

A.J. Jacobs
