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The Second Mountain

384 pages, 2019


In The Second Mountain, David Brooks explores the four commitments that define a life of meaning and purpose: to a spouse and family, to a vocation, to a philosophy or faith, and to a community. Our personal fulfillment depends on how well we choose and execute these commitments.

 In The Second Mountain, Brooks looks at a range of people who have lived joyous, committed lives, and who have embraced the necessity of dependence. He gathers their wisdom on how to choose a partner, how to pick a vocation, how to live out a philosophy, and how we can begin to integrate our commitments into one overriding purpose. 

In short, this book is meant to help us all lead more meaningful lives. But it’s also a provocative social commentary. We live in a society that celebrates freedom at the expense of surrendering our responsibilities toward others—and Brooks argues that this is why many Americans are unhappy today.

The Two Mountains Concept

In 'The Second Mountain', David Brooks introduces the concept of two mountains that we climb in our lives. The first mountain is about self-centered goals like career success, while the second mountain is about serving others and finding a deeper purpose. It's a great reminder that there's more to life than just personal achievements.

The Importance of Relationships

Brooks emphasizes the importance of relationships in our lives. He suggests that deep, meaningful connections with others are what truly make us happy and fulfilled. So, if you're feeling a bit lost or unfulfilled, it might be time to invest more in your relationships.

The Power of Commitments

The book explores the idea that making commitments to things outside of ourselves - like a cause, a community, or a person - can lead to a more fulfilling life. It's a call to action to find something you're passionate about and commit to it wholeheartedly.

The Role of Morality and Values

David Brooks encourages us to look into our moral compass and values. He argues that living a life guided by strong moral values can lead us to the second mountain. It's a thought-provoking perspective that might make you see things differently.

The Journey to Self-Discovery

In 'The Second Mountain', the journey to self-discovery is a key theme. Brooks suggests that it's through facing our struggles and failures that we truly find ourselves. So, if you're going through a tough time, this book might offer some comfort and guidance.

Quotes 3

David Brooks' 'The Second Mountain' is a thought-provoking exploration of the society we live in, and where it's going.

Bill GatesBill Gates - Microsoft Co-founder

'The Second Mountain' is a profound journey of self-discovery and societal understanding.

Arianna HuffingtonArianna Huffington - Huffington Post Founder

David Brooks' 'The Second Mountain' is a compelling narrative that challenges us to strive for deeper, more fulfilling success.

Malcolm GladwellMalcolm Gladwell - Bestselling Author
Bill GatesArianna HuffingtonMalcolm Gladwell


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